Ch.60 "Cindergreen And The Bookworm"

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Two weeks after that, I was able to walk well without any help, but I wasn't allowed to run yet. The sun had already set, and I was at Amy's house.

"Come on, tell me," Amy said, sitting next to me on her bedroom floor as we looked through her books. We were trying to organize them into piles so we could put them on the shelves later.

Her room was almost all furnished now, the walls were repainted all white except for the one her bed was sided with, they painted it black and Amy did some DIY hack to make it look like there were stars painted there as well.

I asked, faking obliviousness, "Tell you what?"

Her voice was louder as she answered, "What you bought for Cindergre-"

I smacked her shoulder with a book. "Shhhh! He'll hear you!"

Lloyd was downstairs helping Amy's parents with the baby room furnishing. He was, of course, doing it against his will.

I added, "And besides, I'm the only one allowed to call him Cindergreen."

"Whatever." She put a book on her TBR (To Be Read) pile. "What did you get him?"

"You really aren't dropping the topic, are you?"


It wasn't Lloyd's birthday, but he got me a gift for no reason last week. And I wanted to give him one too.

So, I told Amy and she encouraged me to get him something. And I did. But I didn't tell or show her what I bought.

Amy started pinching my cheek and repeating "Tell me. Tell me. Tell me."

I rolled my eyes and tried to regain whatever bit of patience I had a moment ago. "Fine..." Oh well, patience failed me. "Leave my cheek alone, it hurts."

She did as I said and looked at me with excitement and the widest grin I've ever seen as I grabbed my shopping back that I got from the bookstore.

I took out the gift.

Amy fell down on the ground laughing.

"What?" I asked, grinning and holding in my laugh. "He's the one who got me a big stuffed octopus carrying a little starfish." He got it as a joke about my old spy outfit, he still teases me about how weird the design was. "It's only fair that I give him these."

And besides, they were on sale. I couldn't resist.

"Oh my god." Amy sat up again, trying to breathe and I saw a tear in her eye. "I haven't laughed this much for a long time."

"You mean since yesterday, when we binge-watched two seasons of The Big Bang Theory."

"That's different, I've already seen the show, I didn't laugh much."

I raised both my eyebrows. "Girl, even Brandon heard you from our house and came here in person to shut you up."

"It's not my fault that I was enjoying the show." She made a sad face, a pretty obvious dramatic fake one. "You just don't want me to be happy."

Oh god, no. I can't take this face.

I smacked her on the head with 'The Cruel Prince' book.

"Ouch! You're so cruel!"

I laughed.

"You don't love me-"

Smack. But with 'The Hunger Games' book this time.

"Y/n, you're going to ruin the books!"

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