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"Stiles, you were supposed to be here half an hour ago." Venus sighs into her phone, eyeing the food on the island. "The food's getting cold and I'm getting really hungry."

"I know, I'm so sorry." his voice floats through her speaker. "But something happened, probably supernatural. Can you meet me at the station?"

"You're kidding right?"

"I'll let you be little spoon?"

The brunette lets out a groan, grabbing a box of spring rolls and her keys, making her way outside. "If I wanna be little spoon, I don't need your permission or your bribery, Stilinski. I'll be there in ten."

"I love you!"


"I thought you wanted the house tonight." Isaac mocks smugly as he walks up to the group behind the Sherriff Station. Venus smacks him on the back of his head with a glare, her eyes moving to watch Lydia run her fingers over the broken windows of the car ahead of them.

Apparently some guy with a gun on a horse dragged a kids parents out of this car, which sounded more like a normal thing than supernatural, but Stiles seemed to think other and Venus knew better than to doubt her boyfriend at this point.

Lydia lets out a hum as she looks over the inside of the car, causing Stiles to shoot up in the backseat.

"This is a pretty shade for me." she murmurs, Venus letting out a snort. "Forget the name."

"Pretty sure that's serenade." the Nymph responds, taking a few steps away from the car. "We got it last week, remember?"

Stiles lets out a loud huff at the two girls behaviors, watching as his girlfriend closes her eyes and stretches her arms out in position in front of her. A cool breeze sweeps across them as she places her focus into trying to locate Alexs parents, but it was significantly harder when she didn't know who she was trying to reach.

A coyote comes jumping over rows of tires in the distance, rushing towards them. Stiles would've ran away screaming if he didn't know it was only Malia, who had finally learned how to shift back and forth between her human and coyote forms after taking her mothers full powers.

Isaac moves towards her, handing her the clothes she'd brought along. He covers her body as she dresses herself, Venus reaching up to cover her boyfriends eyes.

"I don't think they're dead." Lydia states, shutting the car door behind her and leaning against it.

Malia shakes her head, pulling on her shorts. "They're dead. Probably torn apart. The only thing I don't get is why there's no blood."

"They're not dead. If they were, I'd sense it."

"If they're alive, I'd smell it."

"Yeah, I'm not getting either either." Scott shakes his head, turning his gaze to Venus hopefully.

"Uh, inconclusive." she shrugs. "I didn't know them, it's harder to find their presence."

"Scott, you were in his head for four minutes." Stiles argues, wanting desperately for them to figure out what was wrong.

"It's not an exact science." Scott reasons. "He's also a kid, maybe he's too freaked out to remember."

"Why does it matter if they're dead?" Isaac groans, obviously not seeing why they were out here in the wind trying to figure out something that seemed entirely mundane. "Dead is dead. Let the cops handle it."

"If it's just a robbery, we can't help them." Stiles retorts with an eye roll. "If it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them."

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