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Venus had pulled the last of Stiles' boxes from her car and placed them gently onto the pavement next to her. They'd finally made it to DC a little over an hour ago and she was helping him move his stuff into his new dorm room. So while he went to check himself in and figure out which dorm he was in, she unloaded the car and set his stuff down on the moving cart that the university provided for them.

"Hey, you got everything out." Stiles points out as he approaches her, the biggest smile on his face as he hands her a guest sticker. He points out one of the buildings ahead of them. "Apparently I'm in that one, second floor."

His hands grasp the trolley handles and starts pushing it across the courtyard where his dorm building was, eyes roaming all around them and taking it all in. Venus however, was feeling a heavy weight on her chest and it was making her want to throw up.

The room consisted of one large window at the front wall, a bed and a desk on either side of it and an adjoining bathroom on the opposite wall. They move all of his stuff in and Venus gets started on the unpacking while he takes the moving cart back downstairs.

It takes them a couple hours but they had gotten most of his things unpacked, the only thing left was for him to put up the posters he brought along. Venus stood in the center of his side of the dorm and lets out a sigh as she takes it all in. Including the fact that she'd have to drive back without him.

"So...this is it." she speaks, her voice wavering slightly with all the emotion, Stiles immediately catching on to it.

He steps closer, pulling her into his arms tightly. "Thanks for helping me move in, and driving me. God knows I don't have a decorative bone in my body."

The girl lets out a laugh, fighting back her tears and swallowing the growing lump in her throat. Her arms wrap around him tighter.

"I can't believe you actually own ties." she jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "Please don't crinkle them, I folded them up for you how it should be done."

"You really are a blessing."

Her eye catches onto the cork board above his desk, noticing the few pictures he had put up. "Oh, no! I forgot to print out your new copies."

Stiles turns around, noticing she was looking at the pictures. "I may have stolen a couple of yours before we left, please don't hurt me."

"I'm sorry, you should've reminded me."

"Vee, honestly, it's okay."

Before she could get another word out, the door swings open and another boy walks into the dorm room with two people who looked to be his parents in tow.

"Oh, hey! You must be Stiles, I'm Mitch." the boy introduces, holding his hand out in front of him.

Stiles takes his hand, gladly shaking it. "It's nice to meet you. This is my girlfriend, Venus."

"Hey." she send the trio a smile, lifting her hands in a small wave.

"You've already decorated, nice." Mitch comments, looking around the room and placing his stuff down.

"Yeah, I should probably get going." Venus sighs, wiping her sweaty palms on her pants. "It was nice meeting you, Mitch!"

"You too!"

Stiles walks the girl out of the dorm building, the two of them standing in the courtyard in the blazing sun.

"He seems nice." she comments, looking anywhere but at him.

That is until he stepped forward and took hold of her hands again. "Don't leave yet. We can get something to eat, or maybe get a hotel for the night. Just don't leave. Please."

CULMINATION 🪐 STILES STILINSKI {3}Where stories live. Discover now