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The five remaining seniors in the pack had ventured back down into the tunnels for the second time that night. This time, they were heading towards the Argents bunker where Lydia claimed there might be something there that would help them remember. While Lydia and Venus made sure the tunnel gates were locked, Malia and Isaac were locking up the vents inside the bunker while Scott sealed off the doors.

The two girls outside the bunker made their way back running, spotting Scott waiting for them by the door. As soon as they're inside he slams it shut up and locks it up behind them.

"It's all locked." Venus nods at the werewolf from where she stood behind him.

Malia comes running over from the other side of the bunker. "You think it'll hold them off?"

"Probably not." Scott replies.

"Oh, definitely not." Isaac corrects as the two other girls shake their heads.

Malia however scoffs at them. "I hope you're all not expecting me to be the optimistic one."

"Not when you and Isaac get along so well." Venus assures, no one else uttering another word as they make their way over to the weird contraption Lydia had brought him down here for.

"So how cold does this thing get?" Scott questions as he eyes up the odd looking machine. If she was being honest, Venus thought it looked more like a big, steel coffin.

"Cold enough for a Hellhound." Lydia replies. "It's not the same as the ice bath you gave Isaac, but it can lower your core temperature past anything a human can survive."

Venus could remember that night quite vividly, it was one of the very first time the trees had tried warning her of anything. It was only a year ago but it felt like a lifetime away. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Isaac shiver beside her at the memory of being submerged.

"So what does freezing our asses off have to do with our memories?" Malia asks with furrowed eyebrows.

"It'll slow your heart rate, put you in a trance-like state."

"Like hypnosis?" Venus suggests.

"Hypnotic regression." Lydia corrects with a tilt of her head. "If we can figure out to work it."

Venus' eyes rake over the piece of machinery, an abundance of knobs, dial and switches were layered across its sides, making the whole thing look a thousand times more complicated.

"This button says 'start' so, maybe it's not that complicated."

Isaacs eyebrows were raised at the girl, he too had taken the time to look over the machine. "Oh, it's complicated."

"Optimistically," Venus huffs. "How long do you think we have to do this?"

"As long as Liam and Stilinski can buy us." Scott replies, turning to look at her before turning back to the strange contraption and unlocking it.

Scott rids himself of his shirt, volunteering to go in first since he was Stiles' best friend. Malia moves closer to the machine, pressing the green start button she had pointed out earlier.

"Okay, it's doing something." she beams. "You ready?"

The alpha takes a look at his friends, Venus giving him an encouraging nod, before he takes a deep breath and steps into the metal coffin. Lydia moves forward and shuts the door behind him, putting all the locks in place.

"Remember, this will get cold enough to kill you." she reminds. "So if something feels wrong or like it's not working..."

"It's going to work." Scott interrupts.

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