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     The group was making their way out of the clinic, splitting between Malias car and the Jeep in order to set their plans in motion. Venus was following after Stiles with Derek right behind her as they exited the building when her head started pounding loudly. Her body involuntarily keels over at the sudden pain, Derek immediately grabbing hold of her to keep her upright.

"Venus, what's happening?" Stiles asks panicked, gaining everyone else's attention as his hands grab for her other arm. The pack now surround the girl, watching her with worry as her eyes seemed to fog over and her focus was transported elsewhere.

Derek was the only one who seemed to have a grasp over what could be happening as he speaks to her gently, his voice drowning everyone else's frantic yells. "Venus, what are they saying?"

Her blue eyes snap up to meet his own brown ones, eyebrows furrowed. "I have to go."

"Wait, what? Go where?" Stiles interrupts, worry lacing his every word as he speaks.

"I need to find the Nemeton."

"What does that have to do with anything right now?" Isaac asks, growing quickly frustrated as he was confused.

"Possibly everything."

The group takes a second to look around, each of them silently debating their options. They all knew Venus' warnings and hidden messages were always important but they didn't know if it would be any relevant to their current issue. However, one glance at the girl and they could all tell that she had already made up her mind.

"I'll come with you then-" Stiles began before being interrupted by the girl herself.

"I won't be gone long. Go get Jackson and I'll meet back up with you guys at the school."

Everyone else seemed satisfied and confident enough in the girl that they had started to disperse once again, all except her boyfriend. Venus leans up, placing both hands on the boys cheek, pulling his face closer and resting her forehead against his. She could feel his hot breath fanning across her cheek as he held her tightly.

"I'll come back, Stiles. I made you a promise, remember?"

The boy simply nods before pressing a short but sweet kiss to her lips. "Be careful."

With that, they had all gone their separate ways and Venus' legs had never moved as fast as they had in that moment. Her body knew exactly where it was going as she expertly weaved her way through the trees, unaware of the fact that the branches were simply making way for her. Before she knew it, she had reached the stump that had started all this madness for her and it all felt like it had come full circle.

Taking a deep breath, she attempts to make contact with her surroundings again to figure out what she was doing here.

The root cellar.

The voice echoes through her mind, causing great confusion for the girl. "That thing collapsed ages ago!"

You will find what you seek in the center.

"You know, ancient ones, you should really try to stop speaking in tongues." the girl huffs, stomping up towards the stump. "Would really make my life much easier."

Her eyes rake over the wood grains and upon closer inspection, she finds a layer of black dust coating the top of it. Venus gently passes a finger over the surface in attempt to pick some up to look at, but was greatly surprised when a gust of wind seemed to levitate the dust towards her.

"What the fuck." she mumbles, eyebrows furrowing as she does it again and again before yelling out, "What the hell is this?"

You sacrificed yourself for full potential. This is how it feels to be perfectly aligned with the energies of the earth.

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