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     Venus had barely gotten a wink of sleep last night. She couldn't stop thinking about whoever this 'Stiles' was. All night, she had gone through everything in her room looking for something, anything, that would help her remember. She picked off the pictures with missing spaces in them, placing them on the side. She went through her closet, looking for any other item of clothing that wasn't hers after she had deducted the plaid shirt must've been his.

The girl couldn't help but think this boy was extremely close to her, like he meant something more to her than everyone else. She wondered if the voice she had heard was his, if it was his touch across her skin that she recognized. Her mind had spun round and round over it all night.

For now though, she had a shared free period with Scott, the two of them were sat in front of his laptop trying to figure out who or what this 'Stiles' was.

"Stile. An arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence." he reads out loud, he resorted to googling just the word stile.

"For some reason, I don't think this is the Stiles we're looking for." Venus smiles over at the boy sarcastically.

"Well, it's not exactly a popular name, is it?" Isaac walks in and slumps himself down in the chair next to her. "No 'Stiles' in any yearbooks."

Venus immediately noticed the way he was fumbling around with his fingers and the sullen look in his eyes. He looked distracted by something and Scott had noticed it too, unsure if he was supposed to bring it up but he could smell the sadness rolling off the beta.

"Are you okay?" he asks. "I mean, both of you don't look too well. Have you been sleeping?"

The last question was aimed towards Venus and the girl shakes her head at him. "I can't stop thinking about everything. Usually keeps me up all night."

"Malia and I can't seem to stop fighting. Again." Isaac sighs, slumping down further into his chair. "I thought we were finally okay again after everything that happened, but i guess it was only temporary."

"You wanna talk about it?" Scott asks sympathetically, genuinely worried about his friend. But Isaac only shakes his head, leading the boy to change the topic. "Well maybe she and Lydia found something."

"Malias been taking a make up test all morning." almost as soon as the words leave her lips, a loud coyote howl sounds through the school. Multiple heads lift from their textbooks, looking around them to locate the source. "Guess it didn't go well."

The trio pick up their stuff quickly and Venus follows after the werewolves who seemed to have caught a scent. Once again, they were in the basement but this time Malia was in coyote form, cowering behind the same metal pillar she was at last night.

Isaac takes a couple slow steps forwards, one of his hands out in front of him. "Lia, it's okay. You're safe. We're not gonna hurt you."

The coyote snarls at him, causing him to take a step back. Footsteps sound from the stairs and turning around, Venus spots Lydia making her way down with her mom and the Sheriff in tow.

"Maybe you should growl back?" Sheriff speaks to Scott as her snarling and growling increases. The coyote doesn't seem to like that though as she turns to growl at the man too. "Scott, you're the alpha. Cant you just make her a little more docile?"

"She's not the problem." Lydia whispers to the group. "We are. This is her territory, we should get out of here."

Scott pushes everyone back, behind one of the shelves and away from her little circle of territory. It's just like when they had wandered into her coyote den last year. Yet another memory Venus had that felt incomplete to her. Looking up, she notices the two adult were awaiting an explanation from the teens.

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