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     Anger. Despair. Fear. All emotions that were floating around Scott McCalls living room that night. Venus Fiore had died only an hour ago and it was all because of Gerard Argent and his insane band of hunters. And they couldn't stop it. They were a pack, they were supposed to take care of one another and keep each other safe. Yet they couldn't protect Venus and they couldn't protect Allison.

Alexander Fiore had locked himself in his room the second he reached his house. He had to mourn yet another member of his family, the only blood he had remaining. Alina had taken to Venus' room, sitting herself on the middle of her floor as she takes it all in. The girl she had always treated as a daughter was gone.

"You should've called me sooner." Stiles speaks, breaking the stiff silence that had surrounded the pack since the hospital. "I would've been here, I could've been with her. How could you all lie to me?"

His voice was raising with each word he spoke, and no one could blame him. They knew he was right, they knew he had the right to know since the start, they knew they should've told him everything the minute Venus revealed to them her fate. But they realised too late and now she was gone.

Stiles scoffs, standing from his seat on the couch and aggressively wiping away his tears. "None of you can even try to make up any sort of excuse?" his head turns to Scott. "You promised me you would keep her safe if something happened when I was gone. And all you did was lie to me and now she's dead!"

The fact that he had said those words out loud made the situation all the more real to him, a sob escaping his throat as he turns and moves into the kitchen. His head still couldn't wrap around the fact that she was gone. His Venus was gone and he would never hear her laugh, or see her beautiful blue eyes again.

He would never tell her how much he loved her and they would never get to build a life together like they always wanted to. And that though completely shattered his heart.

His yells makes his best friend flinch, he didn't even have the strength to look up at him. He couldn't handle seeing that kind of pain on Stiles Stilinskis face.

"He's right." Isaac sniffs, looking at his friends through his red rimmed eyes. "It's our fault. Lydia warned us something like this would happen, Venus told us what she heard in the woods that night. We should've been more careful."

Malias arms tighten around him, pulling him closer to her. Venus was the first person to make the both of them ever feel at home somewhere. She was the first friend both of them had ever made and her death had hit too close to home. Literally, for Isaac.

He thought that after Allison he was finally okay again, he had Malia and he had Venus and Alex and he couldn't ask for anything more. Never in a million years would he have imagine losing anyone else in this same way yet here they were.

Lydia lets out a frustrated noise from where was sat on an arm chair. "Blaming someone isn't going to bring her back."

"No, but it would help with them knowing they're in the wrong." Stiles retorts, shooting daggers with his eyes at all their friends.

Their argument didn't get the chance to go any further as Scotts ears perked towards his kitchen. "Someone's here."

The boy stands, moving to stand at the threshold between the living room and the kitchen, placing himself in front of all his friends. If there were about to go through another hunter attack, he swore on his blood that he wouldn't let anyone else get hurt or die. They had lost enough.

A certain tension had already woven its way through the cracks between the pack members, Scotts stands only making it thicker at the moment. They all stood behind him, their bodies in defensive position as the back porch steps creaked.

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