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     The blaring sun rays were beating heavily against her eyelids, making her vision slightly orange as she awakes. Her eyelids flutter open and she becomes aware of the heavy weight lying across her chest. Looking down, Stiles' lips were slightly parted as soft snores escaped him. Venus couldn't help but allow a small smile to overtake her features as she watched him so peacefully.

Her hand instinctively makes its way to the back of the boys head, fingers softly brushing through his brunette locks. The girl was too scared to move in case she woke him up, and she already felt bad enough about what she put all of her friends through the previous day. The thought of it alone made her dread the coming conversations through her day, that would most definitely be full of reprimanding.

"Did no one ever tell you it's rude to stare?" Stiles' hoarse morning voice slightly vibrates across her skin from where he lay, his fingers starting to delicately trace shapes across her waist.

A low giggle escapes the girls mouth as she smiles down at him, "I like to call it admiring. I am your girlfriend, not some creepy stalker."

"Hm. Sure."

Venus watches as he closes his eyes again and nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck, making her laugh yet again as his hair slightly tickled her skin. His arms wrap a little tighter around her waist at that moment, the pure bliss of the morning clouding his thoughts of the prior night. Although when his mind finally came around to it he couldn't help the relief that washed over him.

Merely twelve hours ago, he thought he would never get to see her again, or hear her laugh, or simply hold her like he was right now. Stiles slightly unwraps himself from her and moves to hover above her body, her bright blue eyes staring up at him curiously.

"We need to talk about what happened." he speaks quietly, brushing her hair behind her ears.

"I thought I'd get a little more decency around here as a newly revived woman." her poor attempt at a joke didn't faze her boyfriend as he kept looking down at her, causing her to loudly sigh. "I know we do and I know what you're going to say, Stiles. I just really can't deal with everyone yelling at me like I'm a five year old who stole some candy."

"I know you didn't just compare you dying to stealing candy, that- Vee, that's not the point." he sighs, sitting fully up with the girl following his lead, her eyes trailing his every move. "I can't even begin to explain how completely terrifying it was being in that hospital room when you flat lined."

Venus swallows the large lump in her throat as she takes notice of the tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry."

"I told you once that you were it for me, Venus." Stiles turns to take her hand in his own, the heavy emotion evident in his voice. "I meant that, okay? I want to be with you till the day I die, so you can't keep dying on me."

"Technically the first time wasn't my fault." she breathed out a low chuckle. "I know that what I did wasn't fair to you, or to anyone but you need to understand that I did what I thought needed to be done. What I know mom would've done."

"I know." he smiles at her, thumbs rubbing circles across her warm skin. "I'm going to make an executive decision for this relationship that you can't argue with."

"So you're CEO of our relationship now?"

Stiles reaches out a finger to her face, pushing down the one eyebrows she had raised at him. "Venus Fiore, from this point onward, I forbid you from dying on me ever again."

Venus couldn't help but let out a laugh. "You know some part of that isn't really up to me, right?"

"Well, at least until we're old and gray just- Shut up and agree."

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