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The days had come and gone, before they knew it they were sitting through their last day of high school, ever. When the final bell rang at the end of the day, excitement had flooded the classrooms and the halls of Beacon Hills High School almost immediately. Everyone was more than ready to finally leave this place behind, everyone except Stiles Stilinski.

"Have a great summer everyone!" Mr. Croft yells from the front of their classroom, "Seniors, I will see you all at graduation."

Venus could already hear Stiles mumbling to himself in denial from the seat in front of her. "No, no, no. That's it? What?"

"Last day ever." Scott sends his best friend a wide smile.

Stiles turns to look at his girlfriend and the rest of their friends. "It just feels so anticlimactic."

"Well, there's still the whole graduation thing." Lydia speaks slowly, as if explaining to a toddler.

Malia shrugs from next to the girl. "I've gotta go to summer school or I can't do the whole graduation thing."

"And I am more than ready to get out of this place." Isaac grunts, lifting his backpack and moving out of his seat. Scott, Lydia and Malia following suit a few seconds after leaving only Stiles and Venus in their seats.

"This can't be it." Stiles grumbles to his girlfriend, watching as she too gets to her feet and picks up her bag.

Venus reaches her hand out, taking hold of his own. "We all knew high school wasn't gonna be forever."

"Yeah, but it feels too soon. Almost like we haven't done enough."

"I think saving the world every other month is doing plenty, Stiles." she sends him a smile, pulling him off his chair.

He leans down to pick up his backpack, taking in the classroom before walking out with her, hand in hand. "I guess I'm just not ready for it to be over."

"Like Lydia said, we still have graduation, the whole summer and I'm driving you down to Sacramento. We've still got time, Stilinski."

Venus stand in front of him, pulling him down into a sweet kiss before moving along to her locker. Swinging it open, she starts to pull off the couple pictures she had stuck in side and placed them carefully in her bag, along with the remaining books she had left in there.

She takes a moment to look at the locker next to her own, the one that used to belong to Kira. Venus smiles softly at the thought of the girl, silently wishing she was doing okay wherever she was.

Turning around with a sigh, she catches Stiles and Scott's gazes from across the hall as she shuts her locker.

"I can't believe we're not in high school anymore." Scott grins widely as he shoves his things into his bag. "Almost feels like nothing's changed."

Stiles gives his girlfriend an admiring smile from across the hall before turning back to his locker, his eyes catching sight of his own set of pictures stuck in his locker. One of them being of the two of them and the other one of the whole pack at the beach last summer.

Scott had caught glance of the exchange, an immense happiness filling him up at the thought of the couple. Before Stiles had met her, he was just a scrawny sophomore trying to find his place in high school. He was obsessed with the idea of Lydia and he was a completely different person.

A subconscious smile makes its way onto the boys face at how far they'd come, not only him and Scott but him and Venus as well. How different things were now than when they didn't trust each other when they first met, when Stiles had been all too skeptical about her true intentions.

CULMINATION 🪐 STILES STILINSKI {3}Where stories live. Discover now