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    Venus watched Mrs. Finch as she indicated certain areas of the human brain on her chalk board, the girl had zoned out ages ago and she wasn't even sure what they were talking about anymore. Her chin was propped on the palm of her hand, her thoughts occupied by a certain pair of hazel eyes she had managed to dream of the night before.

She hadn't spoken to any of her friends since her outburst at the hospital last night, not even Isaac who lived in the room next to her own. She couldn't believe how easily they had turned their backs on her, on Stiles. But she was determined to prove them wrong, and that meant either bringing him back or making them all remember.

Her eyes roamed around the classroom for a few seconds, stopping over Lydia and Scott who were on the bench in front of her before moving to the windows. The first thing she spotted was the large tow tuck right outside the windows, at a closer glance she spotted the blue Jeep.

A strange feeling of familiarity and recognition washes over her and her eyebrows furrow at the feeling.

If you hurt my car, I will end you, Fiore.

"Isn't that right, Venus?" Mrs. Finch snaps her out of her thoughts before she could hear any more of the resurfacing memory of Stiles' voice. Venus hesitates, eh mouth opening and closing like a suffocating fish.

"I- yes, yeah. Totally agree." she fumbles out the words and attempts to love her gaze back to the car outside the windows.

Mrs. Finch turns to look for herself. "Is there something outside that's more fascinating than the structure of the human mind?"

"Maybe. I- I mean, no. Definitely not."

Her two friends turn to look at her in concern, they didn't need to communicate to know what was occupying the Nymphs mind. Or rather, who. It was slightly concerning for them to see her in such a distracted state without any proof of Stiles actually existing but they knew they couldn't suffocate her.

As their biology teacher proceeds with their lesson, Venus tries to actually focus on what the woman was saying. But then the tow truck outside starts to beep and she spots the man attaching the hook to the Jeep. Stiles' voice rings through her mind yet again and she grabs her bag, quickly apologizing to her teacher before making her way outside.

She sprinted all the way down the hallway, pushing her way roughly through the large double doors at the front of the school. A pair of footsteps was echoing behind her but she paid them no mind as she ran towards the tow truck and called out to the man responsible for it.

"You can't tow this Jeep." Venus pants as she comes to stand in front of him.

"Paperwork says I can." he retorts, tapping his clipboard. "Says here it's abandoned."

"Well now it's not, thank you for your concern." she replies with a sarcastic smile, placing her hand onto the hood and leaning onto it casually, but the man wasn't budging.

"So this is your vehicle?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. What's the difference?"

He laughs mockingly. "I'll take that as a no." he attempts to move around her so he could start towing the Jeep but someone else manages to stop him.

"It's mine. Uh, my Jeep." Scott's voice comes from behind her. "Thank you. I'll move it, once I get the keys. From my locker. After you leave."

"I'm sorry, but once it's on the hook.."

Venus puts a hand out. "Please. Don't finish that joke."

"Come on." Scott reasons. "There's gotta be something we can do."

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