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     The bullets were raining down heavily on their surroundings and the hunters only seemed to be getting closer and closer with every fired round. Venus' eyes hadn't dared move from Deucalions now failing body, her heart feeling heavy in her chest at yet another death. Her head was tightly tucked under Scotts arms, his body shielding her from the falling debris and the potential bullets.

A full round had hit the pillar the pair were hiding behind, causing a large chunk of cement to come tumbling over them, a fearful yelp escaping the girls lips. Her head as now spinning, more tired than ever of being so close to death yet again, at least this time Stiles knew where they were and what they were doing.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a hunter to the right of her and Scott, gun pointed directly at them. However, the sudden loud screech of a vehicle pulling up near them interrupted the exchange and the hunter went flying across the pavement as a certain sarcastic brunette smiled back at his two best friends.

"Didn't think you were doing this without me, did you?" Stiles calls out to them, the smile growing on his face.

But before either of them could reply, another figure exited the Jeep. "Without us."

Venus looked over at Scott in disbelief as Derek transformed and began to charge at the group of hunters, the Alpha following shortly after him. The actions seemed to have triggered a fight response from the rest of the surrounding pack members and soon the hunters were falling to the ground one by one. They had managed to surround the group from all sides while they were taking cover, leading to the group having to split.

The Nymphs hands immediately go to her pockets, pulling out her trusty daggers, strategically chucking one towards where Malia was attempting to fight a group of them and not spotting the one sneaking up behind her. Her legs then moving her towards another hunter, her knee flying into his chest and knocking him backwards, her daggers cutting across the second hunters shins as she lands.

"I've never been more attracted to you." Stiles speaks from behind her, a stupid grin on his face as he watched her.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Only you would be turned on by something like this."

Their flirting was cut short by the sound of engines turning on, their eyes catching sight of Monroe getting back into her car with the remainder of the still standing hunters. The car wheels scraped through the gravel as they quickly made their getaway before they lost this fight. The pack forms back together as they left, each of them assessing the damage.

"I can't believe you all hid this from me." Stiles complained as Venus dragged him towards the rest of their friends. "Like not a single word said to me."

"We had our reasons." his girlfriend explained, cutting herself short as they reach Scott who was now crouched over Deucalion.

The former Alpha looked almost completely drained of life, his skin pale as a sheet and blood trickling down his face from his nose to his mouth. His eyes couldn't seem to stay focus on one single thing, looking fogged over from his inevitable fate. Venus felt her boyfriends hands gently slide into hers, interlocking their fingers.

"Gerard..." his thick accent sounds through the silence, his eyes still staring straight ahead of him. "What he fears most...He can't beat you and he knows it."

Then his body fell limp, his hand falling from where it was rested on top of Scotts and his head falling droopily to the side. The young Alpha gently sniffles before standing to look at his friends.

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