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If two years ago, you had told Venus that she would be sat in her backyard with a large group of friends and her loving boyfriend, she probably would've laughed in your face. The girl was never known to be social for the entirety of her life, and if she were completely honest, she probably never planned to be up until the day she met the pack.

Never in a million years would she have thought she would make friends as amazing as they have been. Sure, they've had their issues and their arguments but they always came out of everything on top, and that's what mattered the most to her.

So as they sat on her patio that night, she couldn't help but feel immensely grateful for those surrounding her. Even Jackson, who she barely even knew and was currently cuddled up with Ethan on the couch opposite from her.

"I just don't get it." Jackson complains, throwing his hands in the air. "What on Earth do you see in him?"

Stiles lets out a loud groan and rests his head on his girlfriends shoulder. "It's really great to have you back, Jackson."

"He's not that bad, you know." Venus laughs, placing her hand on the boys head and running her fingers through his hair. "Has his moments, but I can handle them."

"Wow, Vee! That's reassuring from you as well."

Isaac lets out a loud laugh at the boys frustration, another thing that always brought humor to Venus. She knew that if it came down to it, the boys would risk their lives for each other but they're both just too stubborn to admit that they get along.

As the two boys start a small argument between them with their friends holding back their laughter, Venus really gives herself a moment to take it all in. Watching her friends sat cuddled up around the fire pit, so much joy flowing between them and Stiles lying comfortably under her arm, she had never felt so content.

Isaac Lahey, the first person to ever see something in her. Her first and closest friend in the entire world who somehow became her brother. Even though they cut each other off for a while, she wouldn't change a single thing about their relationship.

Lydia Martin, a person she never in a million years would've thought she'd get along with yet somehow became one of her closest friends. She was one of the smartest, most resilient and caring people that Venus had ever met.

Scott McCall, another person who became like a brother to her and the one that dragged her into this in the first place. Malia Tate, her favorite hothead and arguably her closest friend thanks to her relationship with her brother.

Venus couldn't help but think about Kira as well, the girl they'd lost to her own power. And Allison Argent. The girl who risked her life for her friends, never to be forgotten for it. Not a day goes by where Venus doesn't think about both girls. Not a day goes by where she doesn't miss them.

Even Derek Hale, the sour wolf who they all grew to love. A man who knew her mother and was able to teach her more about herself and what her mothers legacy was. A man who she bonded with over their pain and their loss, nonetheless a bond they knew they would both keep for as long as they could.

Then came the beautiful sarcastic boy in her arms. Stiles Stilinski was the first person to show Venus was true love felt like, and she could only hope he would be her last. Because even though she'd only known him for two years, she knew she wanted him forever.

Looking around, she spots her dad waving her over from the kitchen door, she quickly excuses herself from the group and makes her way towards him. Alex was stood waiting by the kitchen island with Alina by his side.

"So, are you two finally going on that date?" Venus asks mockingly, knowing it pushes her dads buttons.

But to her surprise, her dad simply wraps an arm around the woman and smiles over at his daughter. "Actually, we are. Just wanted to ask if you kids were gonna be alright."

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