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The sun was beaming brightly through her windows, the rays leaking through her eyelids. She rubs her eyes, pushing away the drowsy feeling washing over her. The girl didn't remember ever falling asleep, in fact, she didn't remember much from much last night other than the fact she tried not to fall asleep. With furrowed eyebrows, she pushes herself off her bed to start getting ready.

Venus stops by the wall beside her desk, it was a pillar covered in pictures from top to bottom, the images on it seemed off to her for a second. She shakes her head, blaming her thoughts on her sleepy state. Moving into her bathroom, she washes her face, brushes her teeth and styles her hair.

She then moves across the room to her closet, absentmindedly humming a tune to a song she couldn't remember the name of. Pulling her closet open, she begins her search for an outfit, a plaid shirt in the corner of her top row catches her attention. It was checked across in blue and grey but she couldn't remember where she had gotten it from.

A knock sounds from behind her. "Hey, you better hurry or we'll be late. Lina made pancakes again." Isaac informs her, a grin on his face at the mention of his favorite breakfast food.

"Yeah, I'll only be a couple minutes." she replies, turning around and holding up the shirt she'd found. "Is this yours?"

"When have you ever seen me wear something like that?" the distaste was evident in his tone.

"I don't know, don't think it's mine though."

"Could be Lias." he shrugs before backing out of her room. "Hurry up!"

Venus quickly pulls on a black shirt, with her jeans before slipping the flannel on top and cuffing it slightly so that it doesn't reach past her wrists. She grabs her bag and boots and bounds down the stairs, giving both her father and Alina quick kisses on the cheek.

"Morning, kiddo." the redhead beams, placing their breakfast plates down in front of each of them, her golden wedding band gleaming in the sunlight. "You sleep okay?"

She nods her head in response, stuffing her mouth full of pancakes. "I feel like I'm forgetting something though. Something really important."

Alexander walks back into the kitchen, tossing her what looked to be her own set of keys. "You left them in the door last night when you came home, genius."

He places a kiss on her temple before moving to place a kiss on his wife's lips and starts to make himself a mug of coffee. Venus furrows her eyebrows, she doesn't even remember when she came home last night. The last thing she fully remembered was working on yearbook photos with Sydney.

Maybe I was too tired and blacked out.

The feeling continued for the rest of the day though. There was this constant nagging at the back of her head that she was forgetting something and the feeling was eating her up. It wouldn't let her focus or concentrate in her classes, nor would it let her pay attention to where she was walking between class.

Slamming her locker shut, she bangs her head against the cool metal surface and lets out a groan.

"What's wrong with you?" Lydia approaches her, placing a gentle hand on her friends shoulder.

"All day, I've had this feeling."

"Please don't tell me it's more ghost riders."

Venus shakes her head rapidly. "No, no. More like I'm supposed to do something. Something important."

"Like what?"

"I can't remember."


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