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     Hours. That's how long they had been at the nursing home. The sun was falling below the horizon and the room had gone dim in contrast to how brightly it had been lit when they had gotten there that afternoon. They hadn't been able to reach anything useful with Elias, he was convinced that Scott was his son and Venus could tell they were all growing tired of the back and forth.

"Scott McCall?" the old man repeats for about the hundredth time that day, Venus sitting herself down on one of the chairs around the table in exasperation. "No, no, no. You're my son."

"Keep it down old man." Isaac almost snaps, his patience growing thin. Malia was already pacing all around the room to keep herself occupied. She turns back to them and starts picking the peas off the old mans plate.

Elias turns to look at Venus who was sat next to him. "I don't like her." he whispers.

"Okay, Mr Stilinski," Venus starts, grabbing the mana attention. "your son is the Sheriff of Beacon Hills."

"Sheriff? No, no, no, no." the man stutters. "I- I was in the army."

Malia moves closer to Scott. "Just use your claws."

Elias seems to have heard her as his head snaps immediately in her direction, his face somehow growing even more confused.

Scott looks up at the girl, almost horrified. "It could kill him."

"I get that but we're running out of time."

Venus jumps in her seat as Malia flicks out her claws and tried to approach Elia herself, successfully scaring the man. Isaac grabs her arms and pulls her back, he didn't want to be here anymore but they weren't going to kill this man for it, no matter how old and annoying he was.

"You lady, you need to clip those nails." the old man retorts, making Venus snort from next to him and place a hand on her mouth to cover her laugh. Then all of a sudden his tone changed, his movement more frantic. "You shouldn't be here. If you don't leave, I'll have to report you."

Lydia lets out a sigh from behind her. "He's sundowning. It's when dementia patients lose their faculties after the sun goes down."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." the man yells, startling all the teens.

"Maybe we should just leave." Venus huffs, as much as she wanted to remember Stiles, they were wasting time with this. "We can come back in the morning."

Scott shakes his head at her though, surprised at how fast she'd given up. "There's gotta be something we can do to keep him quiet."

Elias starts to mutter in a panicky matter, his hands flailing about him in a way that reminded her of someone but she wasn't sure who. He starts yelling again, almost begging them to just leave. Leave the nursing home and leave him alone.

Lydia pushes her way towards him, pulling out papers from her bag and starts showing them to him. Math. Lydia was making him do math. And it worked, the man was solving the equations, a smile evident on his face as he finally calmed down.

"Are brains getting smaller with the skirts?" the man snaps, the sundowning clearly in full effect as he turns to look at Scott. "So you're that McCall kid."

The werewolf's eyes furrow. "You know me?"

"I know your dad. Couldn't hold his liquor and he certainly couldn't keep that wedding ring on his finger. Pretty young thing would walk by and poof, that ring would just disappear like magic."

Venus could feel the anger rolling off of both Isaac and Malia in that moment as well as the hurt coming from Scott. The Nymph reaches out to her friend, grabbing hold of his hand in any form of comfort. Scott squeezed her fingers, a silent thank you.

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