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"My mother had a hypnotist who helped her quit smoking." the Banshe spoke as her pen scribbled across the notepad she had found. "She had me see the same one when I was ten."

Scott stopped moving suddenly, turning to look at her incredulously. "You smoked when you were ten?"

Lydia turned to look at him in shock. "No. I bit my fingernails. Just find the candle and the lighter please."

Malia held up a blow torch, lighting it up dangerously close to Isaacs face, causing him to let out a little squeal as he moves away. "Too much?"

Scott comes up from behind her, candle in hand and the girl grabs it, placing it on the table in front of them. The remaining four teens move away slightly, wary of the blow torch Malia was holding as she lit the candle with it.

Lydia sits down on one side of the table, Scott, Malia and Isaac surrounding her and she motions for Venus to sit opposite her. "So how does this work?" she asks.

"This is an induction script." the strawberry blonde replies, holding up the notepad she was writing in. "We're gonna talk you through this and you're going to fall into your memories, the same way Scott and Isaac did."

She then passes the notepad to Malia. "Just soften your voice and keep it relaxed but not monotone. Go for clarity and not volume."

The werecoyote clears her throat, then in the most awkward and choppy tone ever, she began reading. "Take a...deep breath and look at the candle."

The way she had whispered the last four words made everyone cringe, and Scott grabbed the paper from her hands and starts reading it off himself.

"Take a deep breath and look at the candle." he speaks, much softer and put together than Malia. Venus was doing exactly as the boy instructed. "Feel the muscles in your body begin to relax. Your hands relaxing. Your eyelids relaxing."

He pauses, watching as Venus' eyes close and the hypnosis start to work. Isaac gives him a slight nudge to keep going before she snapped out of it.

"As you relax, imagine yourself in front of a wall. Covered in pictures, each one showing a memory from your life."

Venus could feel a slight shift in the air around her, almost as if she was being transported somewhere else. When she opened her eyes again, she was in fact stood in a long white hallway, it seemed to stretch on for miles. In front of her, was the wall Scott was describing, millions of pictures spread out in front of her.

"All you have to do is hold one to see it." his final instruction echoes through her head as she steps forward, the sound echoing eerily as she examines each and every moment of her life. Her hand reaches out, touching one and instantly, she's submerged in a memory.

She felt as if she was watching a movie unfold ahead of her, she could see herself stood at one end of the hallways at school and across from her stood a boy. Stiles.

"You know, you should probably work on your sensitivity to people's emotions in these types of situations." The boy seemed startled by the voice, looking across the hall to see her leaned against the lockers with her bag slung over her shoulder.

"I'm having an off day okay?" Stiles sighs, "Why're you talking to me? Just because you supposedly helped Scott and Derek find Boyd and Cora doesn't mean we're all friends now."

"Hey I never said we were." the brunette raises her hands in mock surrender with a sarcastic smile. "I was just giving you constructive criticism on your behavior."

She was halfway down the hallway before he could think of a response and she thought she had the last word. But then he yells out to her what is possibly the worst comeback in the history of comebacks.

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