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Malia was running around the small space, trying to push open any of the exits, her hands and legs pounding aggressively on all the surfaces. Venus makes her way across the room, where Scott was still stood by the open metal door. He pulls it open forward, revealing a white-lit room that was as big as a storage closet.

"What the hell?" the brunette mutters, her eyes assessing the map and the totems hung up around the small space. Her mind was assessing all the red dots, trying to make sense of their placing.

What was Gerard planning?

Footsteps echo from behind them and Malia comes to a halt next to the Nymph. "Where are Jiang and Tierney?"

"They're here." Scott states, his voice wavering with an evident sadness. "This is all that's left of them."

Venus forces her eyes away from the world map in front of her, turning to look at the shelves that Scott seemed entranced by. But when she finally sees what he was looking at, she had to fight to keep the bile from rising up her throat.

For right ahead of her, a sort of plaque was placed on the shelf. Two pieces of skin with Satomis pack symbol tattooed on them resting between pieces of glass. On the shelf above it, sat a pair of wolf ears and Venus truly felt her stomach flip.

She turns, about to leave the small space before she actually threw up, but Scott quickly grabs hold of her waist. Her eyes turn to him confused before following his gaze to see what he was looking at. There, across the room, a laser pointer had emerged from the wall and was now circling the room, presumably a motion detection device.

"I don't think I want to know why they need a sensor if they already know we're here." Venus speaks worriedly, her eyes turning to look at Scott who had the same questioning look on his face.

A banging sound comes from overhead, their bodies turning rapidly to find the source.

"Don't trip the sensors!" Argents voice comes through the vents, or the pipes, they weren't sure.

What they did know, is that more sensors were popping up, one now at their eye level. Scott urges the two girls away from the small room, jumping over one sensor and going under the second. They make their way on top of the metal shelves in the middle of the room, where the guns had presumably sat.

"What do we do now?" Malia asks from on top of Venus, the girl choosing to land on her rather than Scott.

The boys head turns to look around the room, trying to find any way for them to get out. He doesn't notice the third sensor that popped up next to them, Venus quickly grabbing hold of Malia and pulling her down onto her and yelling for Scott to stay down.

"I've got an idea!" Venus announces, spotting the window on the far wall with a padlock on it. She points her finger towards it, averting her friends attention.

Scott slightly shakes his head. "We can't reach that."

"I can." the werecoyote states, looking for the sensor before pushing herself up.

"Be careful." the brunette warns as she watches her friend latch onto one of the pillars.

Malia nods at her before pushing herself off the pillar and attaching herself to one of the beams on the ceiling. Venus internally cringes as she watches her shirt almost trip one of the sensors, but it was thankfully a couple inches off. The two teens on the shelf watch tensely as the girls hand swipes out to break the lock, failing the first time but succeeding the second.

"Yes!" Scott cheers as the window unlatched, creating an exit for them.

But Venus' eyes were caught on the lock itself, watching as it clatters to the ground. It seemed like they were out of luck for today. "No!"

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