Chapter 7 - Smile

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A tired sigh slipped pass Taehyung's lips, he leaned back craning his neck rolling it. His back seemed to get stiff after sitting on the chair for four hours straight.


The slight voice caught Taehyung's attention as he looked up seeing Jungkook propped on his elbow rubbing his eyes.

Jungkook pouted looking around an unknown place, his mind was still registering the previous memories. A mid-day sleep always feels like being transferred to another demension and getting up not knowing where they actually belong to.

"Good evening" Taehyung chuckled seeing the younger squint eyes towards his direction blinking a few times maybe to clear his blurry vision.

"Taehyung-ie hyungie hyung?" Jungkook called out and Taehyung swore that his heart did this weird stopping and then beating fast with stomach releasing acids making him feel like the fish he had eaten three days ago came alive and was wiggling around.

"Yes little Jungkook-ie" Taehyung stood up and walked towards the younger who still seemed to lull his head back and forth.

"I'm not little, I'm twenty-three" Jungkook huffed resting his back on the backrest of the couch.

"Yeah, yeah sure let's get going I'm done with my work" Taehyung checked his wrist watch and walked back to his table.

"What's the time?" Jungkook questioned tapping his pockets looking out for his phone.

"It's almost half passed seven, evening ofcourse"

"My God! I haven't told Ms. Kim that I'm gonna get late!" Jungkook fumbled with his phone which was now between his fingers

"Don't worry, I texted her two hours ago itself and my almighty mom is coming to Seoul. Maybe already would be sitting in my apartment with a mug of tea" Taehyung chuckled shaking his head, his mother was going to visit his apartment after months just so Jungkook could spend more time with him.

No shade, Taehyung absolutely loves his mother.

"Keys?" Jungkook questioned rubbing his face with his palms trying to freshen himself up, taking a deep breath almost out of his sleepiness.

It's then when he noticed the coat drapped over his lap, he knew that it must have slided down when he sat up. A blush immediately coated on his cheeks as he fisted the soft material in his hands holding it close to himself.

"Well, she had extra keys- wait are you cold?" Taehyung questioned as he saw the younger snuggling in his coat with red cheeks. It wasn't the time of winter here, rather it was summer going on maybe the temperature of air conditioner was too low?

"N-no, does she always have your keys?" Jungkook dismissed as he kept the coat on his side even though he was enjoying the scent and the comfort that clothing provided him with.

"Well my mother is antic I might say, she said she needs my keys if I lose them? As if I would travel all the way to Daegu for my keys?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, remembering how his mother had put forth a melodramatic act of wanting a extra set of keys to his apartment.

"I will tell her you said she is antic" Jungkook giggled at Taehyung, the older turned around and pointed a finger at him with squinted eyes.

"If you do that you'd go through consequences baby" Taehyung made a finger gun and acted if he shot it towards Jungkook whose face had deepened in red shade.

"Anyways just don't okay, she'd skin me alive. My eomma is scary" Taehyung fake shivered as he placed the file in his desk, bending down sending the last email of the day, rechecking every tab just incase anything is left out.

"You are still scared of your eomma at this age?"

"Age doesn't matter to mothers Jungkook, even when turn forty my mother would still treat me like I'm a ten year old kid" Taehyung chuckled glancing at the younger.

There was a sad smile tugged on Jungkook's lips, almost it was twisting downwards but Jungkook kept it tugged upwards. He would like to experience how having parents must make one feel comfortable and safe.

He has read in books, mother is the comfort of a kid she is a bit strict but it's always for the betterment of her child, the father may seem distant but that's only because he works off his whole life so he could feed his family.

Jungkook would sure like to experience how does a mother's scolding and father's anger would seem like, how her comfort and his safety would feel like. All the negetives and positives there are while being in a family.

Sad that Jungkook never even got a gist of how being around parents feel.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry" Taehyung apologized sitting on his knees in front of the younger.

"Why are you saying sorry for my fate?" Jungkook chuckled looking at the older, he was wondering why wasn't Taehyung questioning about his episode that happened previously. A part of him was glad that the dark haired male wasn't showering him with questions he wouldn't like to answer.

Who likes to talk about their bad and sad life anyways, without getting paranoid about people not caring rather getting annoyed?

"I wish I could make it better" Taehyung held Jungkook's hands in his his long slender fingers wrapping around Jungkook's moderate ones but they seemed too small in Taehyung's hold.

"It's only been one week since we have known eachother personally, but trust me hyung I have been better ever since" Jungkook blushed looking at their hands, he couldn't control the red hue spreading on his cheeks nor the paced up beating of his heart whenever Taehyung is near him.

Everytime Taehyung touches him a explosion of butterflies happens in his tummy under his toned abs. He really didn't know why 'butterflies' were the term used for those weird bubbly sensations in his tummy but decided to go with the flow.

"You know my existence for one week, I have known yours for three months. Been in your house, heard a lot of things about your life, personality and much more" Jungkook confessed his hold above Taehyung's hands tightened as he dared to look at those darker irises.

"As far as I have heard that you are a good human inside-out" Jungkook paused smiling at Taehyung, "I know it's not only words of greatness but reality too"

"Thank you" Taehyung smiled at the younger, "Well I'm not all saint, I have done mistakes-"

"Everyone does mistakes, but I'd rather like to focus on your virtues than the vices" Jungkook beamed with his cheeks forming balls as his smile made Taehyung just stare at the younger.

"I- I would like to know everything about you, I want you to know everything about me" Jungkook breathed out, "I want to start a journey with you willingly, if not forever then until we last- just wanted you to be a phase of my life, I swear you'd be my most cherished phase"

"I won't just be a phase Jungkook, even if we don't work I'd always be around you" Taehyung stood up with Jungkook hugging the younger by his shoulders.

"Let's just give eachother a chance for real, like let's start a journey and..." Taehyung trailed off leaning back looking at Jungkook for a few brief seconds, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Jungkook parted his lips, his eyes widening as he continued to stare at Taehyung who was patiently waiting for his reply rather than fretting on what if his answer was negetive.

The older male was sure of his words and wouldn't take it back. That was the most attractive thing Jungkook has ever witnessed in a human.

How could Jungkook say no to a man who knows the answer won't be negetive?

"Yes, ofcourse. I-I would love to" Jungkook chewed on his lips getting shy.

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