Chapter 14 - Adorable

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Finally Taehyung was returning back.

And Jungkook couldn't be anymore excited as he was practically rushing around wanting to reach the airport as fast as he could.

"Jungkook-ie even though we drive fast that doesn't mean that Taehyung's flight would land before time", Ms. Kim chuckled.

Redness bloomed over Jungkook's cheeks as he lessened the speed, it wasn't much fast but still faster than he had ever drove.

It was almost noon, while the sun was high up in the sky, Jungkook looked at the pretty sky right ahead of him.

'Tae hyungie would be surely clicking pictures from the plane'

Jungkook giggled a bit and drove swiftly, his now skiny arms turning the driving wheel around taking a swift turn.

The golden haired male's body had changed a lot, he had being eating whatever he wants and whenever he likes to, his workout routine was completely cut off from his life and he took no protein shakes anymore.

He felt light, he was happy being more like himself.

Reaching the airport both of them were waiting for the flight to land, and Jungkook couldn't help but keep staring at his all black lockscreen seeing every minute pass by.

The flight had landed a few minutes ago and Jungkook was intensely looking around the crowd, soon a huge crowd of people walked towards the exit and the golden haired male had shrunk behind Ms. Kim as he didn't like people.

People suck, with no filter.

Except a few people specifically named as Kim Taehyung and his mother for Jungkook.

"TAEHYUNG-IE!" Ms. Kim screamed on the top of her lungs, coughing later.

Jungkook pouted and patted the lady's back lecturing her about her old age, he was busy lecturing the woman when he heard a deep chuckle.

Taehyung smiled seeing the interaction between Jungkook and his mother, he huffed lowly as he placed the sling bag on his erect suitcase and hugged his mother.

"I'm back" Taehyung smiled, looked at Jungkook as the younger shyly waved his hand towards him.

"I can see that, I'm not blind" Ms. Kim chuckled, as she ruffled Taehyung's already messed up hair.

"So Jungkook are you done shifting your stuff?" Taehyung questioned as he picked his bag again, he looked at Jungkook who was dragging his suitcase.

"Ye-yes", Jungkook blushed, he had already shifted most of his things to Taehyung's apartment a few days ago, it was the older male's wish that Jungkook should shift his belongings before he returns.

The raven head hummed, his eyes travelled over Jungkook's body with his lips tugging up in amusement, he fairly remembers how buff was Jungkook's body, he knows that changes happens within a month itself, but Jungkook just looked so different.

Not taking his eyes off, his irises kept moving along Jungkook's figure, the younger must have lost quite weight, even though Jungkook was wearing a loose white plain shirt with ripped sky blue jeans, he looked prettier than any other person ever could.

"Pervert" Ms. Kim smacked her son's forehead, that almost made Taehyung fall back.

The raven head winced rubbing his forehead, he looked at his mother with a frown, his eyes again travelled back to Jungkook seeing the younger's face completely turn red.

"Whatever", Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked towards the car, his mind still not leaving the thought of Jungkook losing his weight, he was more over concerned about Jungkook losing this amount of weight.

The drive took two hours to reach in Taehyung's apartment, the raven head sighed and flopped on his couch with the wave of tiredness crashing on him, his butt was smacked making him groan.

Turning around Taehyung glared at his mother who glared back at him, the raven head huffed tired of his mother's antics.


"You lazy bum, go get freshen up. Jungkook-ie has prepared dinner for your stomach and I'm leaving", Ms. Kim cheekily smiled before picking up her handbag on her way towards the door opening it and she yelled a loud 'bye'.

"Eomma! Wait! Eomma!" Taehyung called out but groaned when the door was shut with a bang, he rubbed his temple in irritation, his mother literally knew how to get on his nerves.

Jungkook who was busy in heating the dinner froze hearing the loud bang of door and the loud 'bye', he hurriedly walked out of the kitchen and looked at Taehyung rubbing his temple.

The younger looked around his shoulders slumped as he pouted, Ms. Kim didn't bid him a goodbye, she always does bid him a goodbye leaving a peck on his forehead.

"I will not talk to her!" Jungkook huffed as he spoke through a pout, his eyebrows furrowed together with loud stomps of feet he walked back into the kitchen.

"Eh? This boy is living in some different dimension or what?" Taehyung frowned, he blinked his eyes a few times thinking about how Jungkook hasn't realised that they were alone in the apartment now.

"Jungkook!?" Taehyung called out for Jungkook walked towards the kitchen, he saw the younger standing in front of the microwave oven probably seeing the food revolve around.

"Jungkook is busy!", the younger huffed, intensely staring at the revolving bowl which contained less spicy kimichi stew.

"No, Jungkook isn't" Taehyung chuckled and leaned on the wall seeing Jungkook look up at him with a soft glare.

"I'm mad at Ms. Kim, she didn't bid me a goodbye! She is a total meanie! I won't talk to her!", Jungkook exclaimed with his eyes going wide, he tilted his head upwards and later jerked it forwards with his arms flying around the air trying the depict his anger through his actions.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down there little bunny"Taehyung chuckled shaking his head, he saw Jungkook looking so pissed and rather than looking scary for Taehyung the younger was looking like a furious little bunny who was snarling around.

"Wah! You don't call me a bunny, only Ms. Kim calls me bunny and only she is allowed to call me that mister" Jungkook raised his eyebrows, he huffed even though he was mad at Ms. Kim, the lady calls him bunny with love and he would only let her call him a bunny.

"Okay, so what should I call you?" Taehyung straightened up and walked towards Jungkook standing in front of the younger, his height was literally towering over Jungkook's small ones.

Jungkook looked too fragile compared to Taehyung's figure and Taehyung loved the fact, he has heard that Jungkook takes time to open up and is sometimes extremely shy but seeing Jungkook being so casual with him, Taehyung couldn't help but feel proud.

"Ofcourse hyungie, you'll call me Jungkook" Jungkook uttered as a matter of fact, he looked at seeing Taehyung look down at him, his cheeks immediately turned red as he looked around, it's then with the golden haired male realised that he was alone with Taehyung.

"How about I call you doll?” Taehyung questioned his head tilting slightly.

"I'm a living person" Jungkook said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Rabbit?" Taehyung piped with another suggestion.

"Seriously hyung?" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Taehyung groaned rubbing his forehead, he shook his head looking at Jungkook who still had his eyebrows furrowed with a pout on his lips.

The older later shook his head, and walked towards Jungkook, he touched the younger's forehead and pressed on the creases formed there smoothing them out.

"You shouldn't be so mad bun" Taehyung smiled as he ruffled Jungkook's hair.

"Call me that" Jungkook's eyes twinkled as he giggled, "Bun as in it also contains bunny, also it's adorable to hear", he continued and giggled again.

"You are adorable" Taehyung pinched Jungkook's nose as the younger sniffed and blushed, the microwave oven soon dinged making them both flinch away from eachother at the sudden noise.

They laughed and looked at eachother for a while before Taehyung moved out of the kitchen to freshen himself whereas Jungkook stayed there plating the dishes.

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