Chapter 15 - White

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Cold showers are always the best, and Taehyung believes it with his whole heart, he sighed as he was still standing under the cold shower with the water dripping down his body, he had previously all cleaned himself.

Well actually he was quite surprised seeing another brand of shampoo and conditioner also body wash bottles being placed along with his own, he already has an idea of the owner but would rather confirm it first.

Getting out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around his waist while another was hanging around his neck with one end of it drying— more like ruffling his hair.

He opened the closet seeing most of the clothes didn't belong to him, his previous doubt was been turned into a definite answer seeing his clothes being settled separately.

Jungkook and him were going to share the room.

And the raven head couldn't help but smile at the thought, it's been a while since they have known eachother, the two months he was in Japan it seemed like he was in a long distance relationship with Jungkook.

The younger would always whine about missing Taehyung and would want him to cut off his trip and already come back, the way Jungkook texted him whatever he was doing and the random things he said adding the prase 'it would be more fun if you were here' would always make Taehyung feel something.

Something that he hasn't felt before, he had fallen for people but he realised that he wasn't exactly in love, this certain bunny toothed boy is doing things to his heart and it made him all mushy.

Yeah, Kim Taehyung the one who is offen considered as an arrogent male was feeling all mushy for a certain twenty-three year old male.

Grabbing his maroon colored t-shirt and black sweatpants along with briefs, he was quick enough to wear them, he again went inside the bathroom only to toss his used towels in the laundry basket where is previously worn clothes were also laying in an unorganised manner.

Ruffling his wet hair with the minute droplets of water sprinkling around, he sat in front of his dressing table, even there he noticed the new products that made him raise his eyebrows in amazement and analyse a few of them.

There was the knock on the door before Jungkook peaked his head in, he smiled at Taehyung and later walking inside the room.

"Are we going to share this room?", Taehyung questioned his head raising up to see Jungkook who was standing while the older was sitting on the wooden stool kept infront of the dressing table.

"Ms. Kim said you told her to shift my things in your room" Jungkook answered as he tilted his head, his brows slightly furrowed his cheeks again had a light pink tint.

Taehyung looked quite taken aback from the answer, he knew he didn't have any such talk with his mother but still tried to remember if he had spoken out something that would be considered as similar.

"Umm, no", Taehyung said and shook his head continuing his words, "I didn't say anything like that to her, you know eomma she makes things up".

"Oh, I'm sorry then I'll shift out my stuffs in the other room" Jungkook gasped, with the blush on his cheeks deepening he squeaked when he was jerked backwards while he was already on his way towards the closet.

Jungkook caught his bottom lip between his teeth as he looked at Taehyung who had a soft smile playing on his plump lips, the older had a firm yet gentle hold on the golden haired male's wrist.

"Slow down there bun"

Jungkook's heart beat went faster than before as he shifted his eyes away from Taehyung's intense gaze, he almost let out a whimper when Taehyung stood up standing close to him, so close that Jungkook could take a whiff of Taehyung's amazing scent from the fresh shower he had previously.

"Now little bun, I didn't say you to move your stuff being honest I would make you shift in my room anyways, after all it's only us here", Taehyung said but whispered out his last words close to Jungkook's ear, he heard the slight whimper that escaped Jungkook's lips.

And Taehyung couldn't help but smirk at how sensitive Jungkook was, the way the younger's neck and tip of ears had turned bright red with his gaze not meeting Taehyung's darker ones showed all about how shy and nervous the younger was.

"So bun, what do you think?" Taehyung curled his other arm around Jungkook's shoulder while his fingers were still wrapped around Jungkook's left wrist, he brought Jungkook closer leaning his head on the younger's waiting for an answer.

"I- I will stay here", Jungkook said rest of his words in one breath, he could feel the wet in his head and soon a little drop of water strolled down his forehead making him shiver.

"Hmm, good", Taehyung shook his head slightly while it was still in contact with Jungkook's head, "So bun, let's go on a date tommorow shall we?"

"O-ofcourse, you promised me that you will ta-take me on a date once you co-come back" Jungkook slightly stuttered and he was still proud of himself that he hadn't turned into a total stuttering mess.

"Ofcourse I fulfill my made promises always, also I can finally ask you to date me, would you say 'yes' darling?" Taehyung questioned, his head now lowering as he looked at Jungkook being all shy, the younger's gaze was tilted downwards with his bottom lip captured between his front teeth.

"You ask me now and I'd say 'yes', I promise", Jungkook said all in one breath, he didn't want to stutter. He squeaked when he was suddenly pulled into Taehyung's embrace as the older tightened his buff arms around Jungkook's shoulder.

"Such a brave little bun" Taehyung chuckled and held Jungkook's body close to his, he felt the warmth he didn't knew he was craving for, felt like he was starving until he knew what Jungkook would feel as— well his starvation would only be satisfied when he tastes Jungkook but things take time.

And Taehyung is ready to give Jungkook all his time until it's the younger who initiates it first.

Jungkook shyly wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist as he stuffed his face in the older's chest, something he was waiting to do since long, he really wanted to initiate the hug but was too shy to do so.

It was minutes later they parted their hug and proceeded towards having a dinner, later watched a short film together before they went separately to get freshen up.

Taehyung was laying on his bed already freshened up while Jungkook was still in the bathroom, be was going through his phone replying a few messages of Jimin and typed out a brief message for his mother for an obvious reason.

Hearing the door click the older raised his head up smiling at the younger who was probably drowning in his own loose white t-shirt and below it was nothing.

Wait, wait.


Taehyung's brain went on a temporary shut down his eyes fixed on the milky white skin that Jungkook's slim legs had, the younger quite had thick thighs and it all made Taehyung lost his senses until his forehead was flicked lightly.

"What are you staring at?" Jungkook questioned, his voice dripped innocence and he genuinely couldn't make out what the older was staring at.

"Uh- mmh- that- I- you..." Taehyung babbled out random words as his brain was just thinking about the legs

'The fuck! They were just legs Kim Taehyung what the fuck is wrong with you!? Get yourself together before you go all mad!'

After having a good monologue with himself Taehyung stretched a smiled over his lips and looked up at Jungkook, "I don't know, let's sleep, I'm sleepy"

Soon enough both of them cuddled up together wishing eachother a 'good night', even though it was Taehyung who said he was sleepy Jungkook was the one to doze off first.

"Pretty" Taehyung whispered as he swiped out a few strands of Jungkook's hair falling over the younger's eyelids which were closed, Taehyung leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss over the younger's forehead before he finally closed his eyes after a few while drifted into a deep slumber holding Jungkook close to himself.

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