Chapter 38 - Water

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The regular low buzzing of the air conditioner was heard along with the tapping on the keyboard being done, a soul beep reverberated around the kind of silent room making the certain raven head raise his head and take the paper sliding out of the fax machine between his long bony fingers before his eyes scanned on the document for once, with the right eyebrow arching up.

Laying the paper swiftly on the desk he caught hold of his phone unlocking it, an immediate smile twitched up his previously frowning face seeing a adorable picture of his fiancé sleeping on his chest he'd changed the picture recently— he does that everyday taking pictures of Jungkook doing various things and putting them up as his wallpaper.

For a while Taehyung stopped his work as he comfortably leaned back a mild ache shooting up his back probably because he was sitting upright for a while, on instance he stood up stretching his limps and walked towards the glass covered window seeing the snow fall which apparently made his window a bit blurred.

He couldn't just comprehend how fast has the time passed by and he and Jungkook have been engaged for more than a month now, and through all those times he spent with Jungkook, he has been happier than ever.

They have been going on random dates, those make out sessions they'd have and the times they'd give eachother occasional hand-jobs or rut against eachother— all the activities which were sexual were rarely happening between them because work has been hectic for Taehyung

He'd have to wake up early in the morning get ready, re-heat the leftover food of last night and have it as his breakfast but before leaving the apartment he'd wake Jungkook up telling he was leaving and would eventually get a little pat on his head by the younger and a sleepy 'have a good day hyungie' before he'd leave the house and come back late already finding Jungkook dozed off but his dinner was always prepared and kept in the microwave all he had to do was re-heat and eat it and his day ended with cuddling a sleeping Jungkook.

Sighing Taehyung decided to give Jungkook a call but before he could call the younger, the younger itself called him making him let out a chuckle as he answered the call placing the phone on his left ear looking out of the window seeing the snow fall covering everything in the blanket of whiteness.

"Hyungie! It's snowing!" Jungkook squeaked and Taehyung let out another chuckle licking his lips hearing Jungkook go off about the cold weather and how beautiful everything looks.

"Can I go to play in snow? There is this little girl I can see making a snowman, I wanna help her" Jungkook's whining was heard through the phone speaker and Taehyung could literally visualise how his fiancé must be pouting intensely while fiddling with his feet.

"Ofcourse you can my sweet bun, but remember to cover yourself well and make sure you keep yourself warm" Taehyung instructed as he tilted his head slightly seeing the sky, it was snowing really lightly so it would definitely be fine for Jungkook to go out and enjoy himself.

"Thank you so much hyungie! Bun loves you! Muah!" Jungkook squeaked once again and the phone was hung up even before Taehyung could respond, the older just shook his head looking at his phone screen.

"I love you too bun." He sighed before going back to his desk and staring to do his work all over again.

The clock kept ticking and two hours passed by, Taehyung glanced at his wrist watch seeing it was around seven, he has been over-hours for days so going early for once shouldn't much of a bother.

Considering that, he was quick enough to dial the manager telling him that he'd be leaving now, thankfully also in a quiet a while his senior had let him off hook for once making him feel the relief as he packed his bag, wore his coat and just like that he was out of the his work place.

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