Chapter 30 - Shout

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Jungkook didn't knew how much he craved for Taehyung's touch until tonight.

Laying on the mattress that he had dragged all the way from the store room to the living room and dumped it there laying on it as he looked out of the closed glass window seeing the stars twinkle around the moon.

A sight that he never even once had seen in the Seoul, there were just dark clouds in the city but the street lights seem to compensate the sky's darkness lighting up the roads and those long sky scrapers.

Sighing Jungkook tried to sleep closing his eyes but it opened them back within the next one minute because something was surely missing.


Taehyung was missing.

Taehyung wasn't cocooning him in his hold and everything seemed to be cold without Taehyung holding him close.

Sitting up Jungkook stretched his hand out he caught hold of his phone checking for any messages, he pouted when he realised that Taehyung hadn't even seen his texts nor the older was replying any of his calls.

His gaze fleeting towards the left corner of his phone seeing it was almost two in the morning and he hadn't even wink of sleep making his eyes itchy and irritated.

Laying down again Jungkook sighed as he yawned, he wanted to sleep but can't sleep at all and everything seemed to be irritating.

Hearing a distant clicking sound, Jungkook gulped as he saw the main door opening with a tall figure entering the house.

"Whoever you are stay right there!" Jungkook voiced out as he kicked the quilt off him standing up abruptly, his breath seem to be ragged with his hands shaking in utter fear.

The dark figure looked very tall and was surely a male judging the body type, the man could take down Jungkook in a single hit for sure but Jungkook wasn't ready to give up without even trying as he aimed his phone towards the dark figure.

Almost ready in the stance of throwing his phone at the figure that had entered through the doors, the man was surely some thief, he has heard a lot of robberies happening around.

He swung his hand back aiming at the man's head when he heard—


That's familiar, very familiar.

"Hyung!?" Jungkook gaped as he quickly fiddled with his phone and quickly turning on the flash shining it over the dark figure.

"Hello to you baby" Taehyung smiled wide as he started walking towards Jungkook his arms stretching out immediately catching hold of the younger's lean waist pulling him closer.

"What-?" Jungkook just blinked his eyes being utterly confused about what was exactly happening, was he dreaming now?

"I couldn't sleep without you bun so I'm here for my sweetness" Taehyung said out with his lips jutting out in a pout as he tightened his arms around Jungkook's waist pulling the younger even closer than before flushing their chests together.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook let out with a gasp following, his arms immediately wound themselves around the older's neck looking up at the raven head with eyes with twinkling in the eerie of the blue silver-ish light entering through the windows.

"No, I'm Taehyung" Taehyung joked rolling his eyes getting hit on his shoulder making him fake wince as if the feather like hit had him him a lot.


"Okay, okay I am serious and also sleepy let's go to your room wait..." Taehyung trailed off his eyes squinting as he looked at the mattress laying on the floor, "Why is are you sleeping here?" he questioned.

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