Chapter 10

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Taehyung groaned softly when he heard rushed knocks from the door. He forcefully opened his eyes, blinking them hardly as he felt his eyes really dry. The rushed knocks didn't stop at all, instead, more rushed steps could be heard too.

Thank god Jungkook still be able to stay in deep slumber even so much annoying sounds could be heard. Taehyung ruffled his hair, letting out a frustrated sigh as he stood up from the bed. He walked towards the door, twisting it open, "What's with these commotion-" "Y-Your majesty, finally you're awake." The head guard, Lim Woosung spoke.

"What's wrong, Woosung? Don't be too loud, the queen is sleeping." Taehyung leaned his whole body to the doorframe, sighing in annoyance.

"The demons, they were all gathered in the throne room right now." Woosung stated, keeping his voice down as best as he could.

"Why?" Taehyung's eyebrows were raised in a perfect arch.

"They claimed that you spent too less time to listen their needs. They're extremely dissatisfied as you haven't gone to the throne room recently." Cold sweats began to form on Woosung's forehead when Taehyung growled softly, "They want you to be in the throne room right now."

"Stupid peasants," Taehyung tsked, poking his tongue to his inner cheeks, "I'll be there in a few minutes. Don't let them barge inside. They shall stay in the throne room and only the throne room. Am I clear?"

"Yes, your majesty." Woosung bowed, inhaling a sharp breath when Taehyung slammed the door shuts in front of him.

Taehyung rubbed his temple, slowly walking towards his changing room. He changed his pajamas to more presentable attire, adjusting the fur coat that draped on his shoulder while checking himself out in the mirror.

"H-Hyungie~" Taehyung snapped his head towards the bed as soon as he heard Jungkook's voice. A small smile plastered on his face when he saw Jungkook pouting hardly with his eyes still shuts.

He caressed the smooth chubby cheeks of Jungkook, "You need to sleep alone for a while, baby. Hyungie got something to do."

"No~~~" Jungkook whined loudly, grabbing Taehyung's wrist, hugging it close to his chest, "I don't want to s-sleep alone. D-Don't leave Kookie here..."

"Baby..." Taehyung sighed heavily when he saw Jungkook has no sign of letting his wrist go so he just picked the boy up, "You're too spoiled by me."

"I-I know hyungie still love me..." Jungkook sleepily muttered, placing his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung let out a small laugh, shaking his head in defeat, "You need to stay quiet all the time, okay?"

Jungkook nodded his head, slowly falling back to dreamland.


"Your majesty, this is getting out of hand! This kingdom needs you! You need to spend more time on listening our needs!" A purple skinned demon yelled out among all of the demons, making the others start to yell too.

"Silence!" Taehyung's deep voice echoed around the room, making the demons shut their mouth instantly. He pinched the bridge of his nose, grunting softly.

"May I ask...Who is the boy on your lap, your majesty?"

"Yeah who is it? He smells like human!"

"Is he your food, my majesty? He smells so sweet!"

"Why does he has bunny ears?"

Taehyung's ear was filled with the high pitched voice of the demons as he again groaned in annoyance. He could fell the Jungkook that sat on his lap shifted a little, whimpered softly in his sleep.

"I said silence!" Taehyung again yelled, banging his fist on his armed chair.

"Hyungie..." Jungkook's cherry voice sounds extra soothing in the silence throne room. The bunny rubbed his eyes with his fists, jutting his lips out.

"Shh, go back to sleep baby." Taehyung whispered to the boy, gentleness filled in his voice which makes the demons shocked.

"F-Fine..." the boy mumbled sleepily, leaning closer to Taehyung's chest and again closed his eyes.

Taehyung stared at the boy with loving eyes before averting his gaze back to the demons. "My fellow demons, I know you must be really confused with the boy in my embrace."

"Yes we did, your majesty! We've been dying to know-" The demon clamped his mouth shuts when Taehyung glared at him.

"For once shut the fuck up and listen to my fucking words, alright?" A sickening sweet smile decorated on his face as he stated.

The demons gulped nervously, nodding their heads in unison.

"Great," Taehyung hugged his mate closer to his chest, "As you can see, our kingdom needs a queen right?" Taehyung asked, earning a nod from the demons.

"So I herby announce, this boy in my embrace is my mate, which is your soon to be queen. I need you all to give him equal respect like how you gave me!" Taehyung raised his eyebrows when he received no reply from the demons, "Am I clear?"

The demons blinked their eyes, soon widening their eyes in shock and happiness. "Finally we got a queen!"

"Bow to the queen!"

"The queen looks so beautiful!"

"We love the queen!"

Taehyung was again attacked by different kind of ugly voice as he used both of his hands to cover Jungkook's ears to avoid the boy get startled by the loud booming voice of the demons.

He sighed softly, smiling a little when he saw all demons' face screamed happiness. "You bring so much happiness to us, baby." He whispered to Jungkook even he knew Jungkook couldn't hear him.

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