Chapter 23

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"Doctor Kang!!" Taehyung bursted into the medical room with Jungkook in his embrace. Jungkook was already unconscious, face as pale as a paper, looking extremely horrible.

Doctor Kang was equally panicked as Taehyung, "What happened?! Place him on the bed!"

Taehyung gently put the boy on the bed, "Quick, please save him..." He pleaded, clutching Doctor Kang's white coat.

Doctor Kang was taken back by the vulnerable look of the king. He put both of his hands on Taehyung's shoulder, "I will, your majesty. But please, calm down first and kindly wait outside the room," Doctor Kang started checking Jungkook, while Taehyung slowly walked out of the room, eyes never leaving the pale sick boy. He closed the door softly and as soon as the door closed shut, he slumped down on the floor, tugging his head down. He run his fingers through his hair, flinching a little when he felt a pat on his back, probably from Jimin but he doesn't want to raise his head up.

"I'm sure he'll be alright, Tae..." Jimin stated, though he was also unsure about Jungkook's condition.

A bitter smile plastered on Jimin's face as he received no reply from the king. He sat down on the floor, silence engulfed them as none of them have the mood to speak right now.

After a long good hour, the door of the medical room finally opened. Both of the male on the floor shoot up from their sitting position, "How is he, Doctor?!" Taehyung eagerly asked.

"The baby is fine," Taehyung let out a breath of relief, smiling a little but soon his smile dropped when he heard doctor's next sentence, "But the queen is not okay. He loses too much blood. He did wake up when I was treating him. I tried to keep him awake but he's too weak to do so. His body is too weak. They must've give slight beatings to him and kicked his stomach really hard. I'm sorry to say this but, the queen might stay in a state of coma from now on."

"When will he be awake?" Taehyung asked, hope glistened in his eyes as he desperately wants to know the answer.

Doctor Kang averted his gaze from the king, "I don't know, your majesty. He might awake in a week or two, or maybe..." He let out a deep breath, "Or maybe a year and more."

Taehyung's whole body freeze. He opened his mouth, wanted to say something but nothing came out. He just stared at the Doctor blankly. After a few seconds, his lips twitched, forming a smile, "It's okay." He uttered out, shocking the two other male besides him, "It's totally okay, as long as he'll awake."

Doctor Kang stared at the king in pity, "Alright then. I'll leave you guys here. You can go inside to see the queen if you want." He bowed, walking away with slow steps.

Taehyung opened the door, stepping inside along with Jimin. His heart clenched when he saw Jungkook's pale face. The boy is still beautiful, still perfect but it would be more perfect if the boy woke up and smile at Taehyung.

Jimin pats Taehyung's back, "He'll be awake soon, Tae."

Taehyung just stared at his lover, "I'm so dumb. Why didn't I sense live in his stomach? I should've give him more protection, I should've-" "Tae, if those bastard want to kidnap Jungkook, they would've do so even you give Jungkook extreme protection." Jimin frowned when he felt Taehyung's shoulder slightly shaking.

"Tae, are you-" "No I'm not crying. Please leave, Jimin. I want to be alone." Taehyung whispered, voice was hoarse and broken.

Jimin sighed heavily, "Okay, I'll leave you here. Inform us if anything happens to Jungkook." With that, Jimin walked away, leaving the demon king alone.

Tears in Taehyung's eyes blurred his vision, "Baby..." he called out Jungkook's name, blinking his eyes as tears streamed down from his eyes. He didn't bother to wipe it off. He just stared at the boy, holding the boy's cold hand, caressing the smooth surface with his thumb.

He placed a kiss on Jungkook's forehead, then to his lips. "It's not okay, baby..." he whispered out as tears again filled his eyes, "I need you."

"Please wake up soon," he run his fingers through Jungkook's silky hair, "I need you, I need you so much...B-Baby..."

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