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"Hunter knows what happened to your sister."

I looked at Hunter with wide eyes. "You... what?" My voice was a mere whisper as my heart began to pound inside my chest. "You know what happened to Delilah?"

Hunter tore his eyes away from Charlie, meeting my gaze. His lips parted to speak yet no words escaped.

"W-what is he talking about?"

Hunter looked to the floor, responding with silence.

Turning my attention to Charlie, I asked, "What does he know?" As another one of my questions was met with no response, the anger from within me began to rise, heating my skin. "Oh, so now you decide to stay quiet?"

"Angel, please," Hunter said, finally speaking. "It's not that simple."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I spat. "Tell me what you know, Hunter!"

Hunter slowly raised his head, letting me see the sad look in his eyes. Yet, it did nothing to soften how I was feeling; instead, it only made it worse.

"I can't," he answered.

"You... can't?" I scoffed. "You know what happened to my sister and you can't tell me? What did you do? Sign some blood oath?" Glancing between the two of them, I shook my head in disbelief. "Fine. Don't tell me."

Pushing past Hunter, I quickly went back inside my apartment and headed straight for my bedroom, grabbing a sweater from my closet. Searching my apartment for the rest of my necessities, I grabbed my phone and keys and quickly shoved them into my purse. Slipping a pair of shoes on, I hurried out the front door and slammed it shut.

"Where are you going?" Hunter's voice called out as I walked towards the stairs. "Angel!"

I did my best to ignore him, quickening my pace so I could hurry down as fast as I possibly could. The sound of his feet loudly followed behind me, edging closer with each step. Reaching the lobby floor, I felt a hand lightly grab hold of my arm.

"Angel, please-"

"Don't touch me!" I snapped, pulling my arm from his grasp.

"Where are you going?"

I turned towards the door, ignoring his question. Why did he deserve to know? After all, he couldn't give me the same respect by answering what I had asked. Exiting my apartment building, I walked towards the edge of the sidewalk and waved down a cab. I was lucky to live on a busy enough street where cabs passed by waiting for customers. If they didn't, I wasn't sure I would be able to make such a quick escape and follow through with my current plan.

Opening the rear passenger door, Hunter's voice once again called out, "Angel, wait, please!"

Slowly turning to face him, I let out a shaky breath. "I'm giving you one last chance, Hunter," I said, attempting to keep my voice as calm as I possibly could. "What do you know?"

My heart sank with disappointment as his eyes averted mine. I couldn't begin to understand any of this; how, why or even when he found out whatever he knew. He knew something about my family. And yet, couldn't even tell me. Me. The person he supposedly loved.

Turning my head away from him, I dunked down and got into the car. As I reached for the door, Hunter grabbed hold, stopping me from doing so.

"Please, Angel. You don't understand, I-"

"No," I snapped, quickly cutting him off. "You don't understand, Hunter. This isn't one of your stupid games. This is about my sister. You-" Stopping myself, I sunk my teeth into my lower lip.

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