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"Oh, god."

A loud groan escaped as the sun peaked through the blinds. My hand instantly went to my forehead, trying to dull the throbbing ache.

I didn't know what was worse - the horrible hangover or the crazy alcohol-induced dream. Dream was too nice of a word. Calling it an embarrassing nightmare sounded far more appropriate. But a quick spin of the room laid my answer right before me. The hangover was worse.

Water. I needed water. A bucket of water - no, an ocean. I needed an ocean of water. Licking my dry lips, I slowly stretched my arm towards the side table, trying to find the glass through half-opened eyes.

That's when I noticed the items on the ground.

A pillow and blanket.

Did someone stay over? That's weird. Someone slept on the floor in my dream too.

Hearing the door to my room open, I quickly grabbed the first thing within reach. A television remote was hardly a weapon for defence, but it could do some damage if thrown fast enough at the head.

When Hunter came into view, the fear constricting my lungs vanished. "Oh, thank god. It's just you," I said, flopping back down against the bed.

"Shit, sorry. I thought you'd still be asleep." Motioning to the tray in his hands, he said, "I got you some breakfast. Hungry?"

"Starving!" My mouth watered as Hunter sat on the edge of the bed and put down the tray.

"I got you some toast... eggs... fruit... crackers in case you only could stomach that..."

Hearing him list the various items, I suddenly found the urge to ask, "Did you stay here last night?"

"Yeah, but on the ground." He nodded to the man-made bed on the floor as his focus remained on sorting out the plates of food.


Hunter looked up. "Why what?"

"Why did you stay here?"

"You were quite drunk, and I was worried about leaving you alone."

I picked up a piece of toast. "Oh, well, thanks. I'm sorry for ruining your night."

"Kiss me."

My eyes widened. "What?"

Hunter's brow furrowed. "What?"

"Did you say something?"

"Uh, no. Are you okay?"

Biting into the toast, I decided the best thing to do was to stuff my face with food. The perfect excuse for not having to answer.

Kiss me - this time, it was my voice that said it.

Scared that I'm going to say it? My voice spoke once again.

Oh god.

It was just like my dream.

"Dylan? Are you okay?" Hunter asked, pressing the back of his hand to my forehead. "You just got super pale."

"I'm fine," I told him, reaching for my glass of water. "Just... a bad hangover." After a long sip, I tried to ease the awkwardness with a laugh (one that sounded more forced than I intended) and said, "Guess I was really drunk last night."

"Yeah." Hunter cleared his throat, his eyes remaining on the plate of scrambled eggs. "Do you remember anything?"

I'm still in love with you.

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