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For the first time in what felt like forever, I was enjoying spending the day with Hunter.

Hearing about his past didn't magically change our future - let alone our present. But it did allow me to see a different side of him. And most importantly, it allowed me to understand a bit of why our relationship had been burdened with secrets for so long.

There was far more guilt and fear that Hunter bared on his shoulders than I could have ever imagined.

After breakfast, the drive back home was more enjoyable than the one we took into the city. Hunter never argued with my choice of music; he even rolled down the windows and belted out a song or two with me.

"Who did you say these guys were again?"

I turned down the volume. "5KINGs. Do you like them?"

"They are pretty good!"

Looking over to the side, I watched as he tapped his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of the song. I had to bite the inside of my cheek, forcing my amused smile to not show.

It seemed like we silently agreed to pretend, at least for a little while, that things were normal between us. In an odd way, it gave me hope that the next two weeks of us pretending wouldn't be so horrible.

Did one breakfast with some honesty and a nice drive with my music choices blasting through the speakers make me instantly forgive all the hurt he caused? No. That was something I would never be able to forget. But it did make it slightly easier to walk down the street with him without my stomach twisting with disgust every step of the way.

The fast-paced city of New York and this town were vastly different from one another; it was quite amazing to realize they were only an hour apart. It felt like we were transported to a completely different place. I felt like I was walking through the set of a Hallmark movie.

With the cobblestone pathway and old red brick buildings, bushels of flowers lined every storefront and the smell of freshly baked goods wafted through the air. I couldn't help but smile as I noticed individuals stopping to chat with store owners or passing by neighbours. It was peaceful here; it seemed kind. I understood why Delilah loved living here.

"So, back in the day where did young Hunter Grayson spend his Friday nights?"

"Well, it was either the ice cream parlour there," he pointed across the street to a small store on the corner, "Or the movies."

"No big club nights for you?"

Stopping in his tracks, Hunter looked around at the sights around them. "Do you see any place here where that would be possible?"

"I don't know... thought you might have gotten creative and got crazy in an abandoned barn or something."

He grinned. "Well, unfortunately for me, I was one of the rare ones that wanted to get out of his place. Everyone else loved it here." Placing his hand on the small of my back, we continued to walk down the street as he added, "Now, I can appreciate this place. I wish I could when I was younger, but I was more focused on getting the hell out."

"So you like it better here now?"

"I love it," he said, stealing a quick glance. "It's calm here. Peaceful. I love what I do for a living, but sometimes living in a city that's so fast and always moving makes me forget how to... I don't know... breath sometimes."

"Would you want to move back here in the future?"

I could see his jaw tense and his eyes turn cold. At first, I had trouble understanding how such a simple question elicited a reaction like that. But then I remembered our deal. He was supposed to disappear. He couldn't move back here if he planned on committing to his end of our arrangement.

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