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The night continued similarly as to how it started; another frat house, filled with way too many people, consuming what looked like an endless supply of alcohol

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The night continued similarly as to how it started; another frat house, filled with way too many people, consuming what looked like an endless supply of alcohol. I did my best to pretend like I was enjoying myself. There was a part of me that felt like I had to with everyone giving up their night. Finally, the night seemed to end, and the cab pulled up outside my apartment.

I stepped out of the cab, telling Abby for what felt like the hundredth time that I was fine and didn't need her to stay over. Although I greatly appreciated the gesture, I felt as if I needed to be alone for once tonight.

I unlocked the main door of my apartment complex and quickly headed up the flight of stairs. I let out a deep breath as I walked towards my door, shuffling around my keys in my hand. I stopped in my tracks, seeing someone sitting on the ground.


His head quickly looked in my direction as I slowly walked towards him. He appeared to look relieved as he scrambled to his feet. I walked past him cautiously, unlocking my door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed to see you." His voice was softer than I had ever heard before. "I couldn't think straight," he continued, "I just kept thinking of you at that party, bringing back some guy. It was driving me crazy."

Why would that matter? The voice in my head screamed.

I stayed silent as I walked into my apartment. I turned to face him, watching as he stood in the doorframe.

"I meant what I said, Dylan," Hunter took cautious steps towards me, "I wouldn't have done anything. I don't want her. I just want you."

I wanted to speak, but no words came to mind. Everything in my head was still trying to process my emotions from before.

"I've never felt this way before," his voice continued, as he stood in front of me, "I don't know what to do."

I wanted to question everything he was saying, but the saddened look in his eyes stopped me from doing so. Hunter raised his hand to my cheek, his thumb lightly moving across my skin. His eyes flickered from mine down to my lips. I felt the dryness in my mouth, my heart beating so rapidly I feared it was about to leap out of my chest as he leaned down.

"All I think about is you."

Without another word, the small amount of space that was left between us closed. Hunter's lips softly pressed against mine. I found myself deepening the kiss without a second of hesitation. I wanted to blame the alcohol running through my body for doing so. But I couldn't. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted to forget what I saw earlier in the night.

The one thing my mind could get straight from this whole ordeal was that I believed what he was telling me. And I didn't care if it was wrong too.

 And I didn't care if it was wrong too

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