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"What's all this for?"

Hunter cleared his throat. "I, uh, just wanted to say thank you for, you know, everything you've done for me the past few days and watching after this little trouble maker." He looked down at Lily with a smile. "The valentine's day decorations were her idea. I was just a part of the setup crew."

"Do you like it, Auntie Dylan?"

"Like it?" I repeated, crouching in front of her. "I love it, Lily. You did all of this?"

She nodded proudly.

"You are quite a good cue-stick."

The little girl erupted into a fit of giggles. "It's Cupid, Auntie Dylan!"

"Oh, right. Silly me."

Lily pulled me towards the table. "Uncle Fishy and I made the mac and cheese," she explained. "But, don't worry. I told him we couldn't decorate the cookies until after dinner."

"Smart girl."

After everyone settled into their seats and the food was served, we began to eat with only a few minor complaints from Lily regarding the broccoli on her plate. Lily told us about her day. Valentine's Day was a bit hit in pre-school. After spending the morning decorating their own mailboxes, all the students gave out cards with chocolate attached to them.

"Harry gave me a chocolate kiss!"

"Harry?" Hunter repeated in a slightly stern voice. "Who is Harry?"

"My boyfriend!"

"Since when do you have one of those?"

Lily stabbed her fork into a piece of broccoli. "Since today!"

"Aren't you a little young to have a boyfriend, Lily?"

I couldn't help but smile as I watched the interaction between the two; Lily trying to convince us that she was in true love while Hunter acted as the overprotective Uncle. Although, I wasn't sure how much acting was genuinely going on. And if that was the case, all I could say to the kid was good luck, Lily.

"Can you believe this?"

"Oh, come on," I said, nudging Hunter's side. "It's harmless."

"Harmless," he scoffed, turning back to the five-year-old. "Well, you tell Harry that he will have to deal with me if he doesn't treat you right."

Lily grinned happily with a mouthful of mac and cheese. "I already did!"

After the boyfriend fiasco settled down, I somehow managed to get Lily to eat all her vegetables before the cries of "I'm full!" began from her.

"Do you want to go watch some television before we start decorating cookies?"

Lily eagerly nodded her head.

"I'll get her set up," Hunter said, rising from his chair before helping Lily out of hers.

I watched from the table as they headed to the living room. Thankfully the dining and living room were connected, meaning we could still watch her as we finished eating. Lily focused on the television the moment her cartoons turned on. So, there wasn't much to worry about. 

Hunter returned shortly after and sat back down in his chair, and the two of us sat in silence as we resumed eating.

However, I couldn't stop myself from asking the question that had been on my mind since seeing him with that adorable headband on.

"I thought you had big dinner plans tonight?"

"Who said that?"

I moved my fork around my plate, avoiding his glance. "Delilah mentioned it."

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