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The rest of the car ride was quiet. Dead fucking quiet. Given the passing comments I had already heard, it was obvious that Hunter and Ethan had a troubled relationship. But hearing it out loud that he hated his brother to that extreme of a level, was enough to send us both into an uncomfortable silence.

I never expected asking why he always showed up again to elicit such a reaction. In all these years of knowing him, I had never heard him yell like that. It wasn't the yell itself that had caught me off guard, but the anger hurt I could hear in his voice. At this moment, I wished I had come better prepared for our question period. I should have written everything I wanted to know down on a list - sort them by least to most likely of what would anger him the most.

It was odd I didn't think of a list beforehand. I quite liked making lists.

The car rolled to a stop outside the hotel. Hesitating as I reached for my seatbelt, I wasn't sure what to say.

"Uh, I'll be right back," I mumbled, feeling the thick tension in the air as I opened the passenger door and got out of the truck.

Diane was waiting for me with my luggage in hand, dressed in her finest designer suit. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" she asked.

I nodded, grateful for her motherly care. "I'll be fine. I think my sister will do anything to keep me here for as long as possible."

Her eyes looked past. "Is that your ride?"

Following her glance, I could feel my stomach turn with nerves when I realized who she was looking at. Hunter was standing outside the truck, leaning his back against the driver's side door. He gave a friendly wave, which Diane returned.

"Dylan, darling, please tell me that's not who I think it is," she said through a clenched smile.

"It's... complicated," I whispered, taking my suitcase from her hands.

"Well, when your little complication becomes too hard to handle and you need a way out, give me a call. Alright?"

With a future escape plan figured out in case of emergency, I thanked Diane for the hundredth time and made my way back to the car.

"Put your stuff in the back," Hunter instructed.

"Where are we going?"

"There's a diner at the end of the block. I thought we could get some breakfast," he said, waiting until I closed the car door and rejoined his side before adding, "Plus, I think some time out of the car would do us a bit of a good."

The streets of the city of New York were busy and full of things for my eyes to wander towards - it was the perfect place to walk through and be able to easily avoid making uncomfortable side conversations. And although the retro diner was filled with enough character to keep me entertained for days, nothing could help me avoid the awkward silence that was a result of the person who sat across from me.

"Can I get you two cuties started with anything?" A woman with grey hair and a frilly apron asked as she approached the table.

"Just coffee, thanks."

"Make it two."

"Two coffees," she said in a cheery tone. "Coming right up."

My eyes went to the records that covered the walls and decades old movie posters. With the cherry red booth seats, checkered black and white floors, and jukebox in the corner, it was clear this place had every detail imaginable to take you back in time.

Hunter thanked the waitress as she returned with mugs and a pot of coffee. "Just a couple more minutes," he replied when she asked if we were ready to order.

18 ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon