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"You think he really said that about you?"

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"You think he really said that about you?"

"Honestly..." I paused for a moment. "I don't know."

Did I even want to know?

"Basically what this boils down to is whether or not you believe Charlie." Abby leaned back in her chair with a proud look on her face, seemingly pleased with her breakthrough in the therapy session.

I brought my glass to my lips. "What a fun choice to make," I grumbled before taking a long sip.

I let my eyes wander the space of the low-lit bar as Abby continued her evaluation of my current predicament. It had become apparent that her new psychology class had given her new terms to diagnose my situation. I didn't mind her digging into it all. If anything I was thankful that she was still willing to listen to this tired story between Charlie, Hunter, and me. I for one knew that I was ready for this storyline of mine to end. But I wasn't sure how easy that would be.

"Hello? Earth to Dylan!" Abby's voice pulled me from my trance as she waved her hand vigorously in front of my face. "What's got you all distracted?"

"I was just wondering when bars started to dim their lights so much. Thought it was only nightclubs that liked their customers to be able to barely see a foot in front of them."

Abby nodded slowly, trying to hold back her laughter. "Alright then..." she said with a hint of amusement. "So do you?

"Do I what?"

"Believe Charlie?"

I placed my glass back down onto the wooden table. "I guess..."

Abby snorted. "Oh wow, that sounded convincing, Dyl."

I propped my elbows up onto the surface, letting my chin rest against the palms of my hands. "That says something... doesn't it."

"From my professional opinion, yes."

"Okay, shrink, calm down," I said with a smile, rolling my eyes, "I just don't know why I have this doubt."

"Well, maybe it's because you've seen the good in Hunter..." Abby paused to sip her drink, "Or maybe, it's because deep down you know there's something off about Charlie... I mean, I know there's something that rubs me the wrong way about him."

"What are you talking about Abs?" I questioned with a laugh, "You haven't even met the guy."

"Exactly!" She exclaimed, dramatically slamming her drink against the table, "Now why is that? Why would someone not want to meet me? I'm fucking amazing!" Abby leaned forward, dropping her voice to a whisper, "Do we really know for certain if Charlie even hit him? Maybe he did just fall and created this whole story up!"

"Ok, you went from slightly off in the head to just completely crazy."

Abby leaned back in her chair. "I resent that comment," she said, holding up her empty glass, "And I demand an apology in the form of a refill."

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