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Our flight went by quicker than I thought. Charles stayed the night in my room but I met up with Lando and Max to head to the airport. "I didn't miss London." Lando said with rain pouring down. "Make a run for it. " I yelled out and started to run towards my car. Max followed after me and he placed our bags in the car. "It's so cold." Max said shivering like a scared dog. "Come on Lando, it's not that bad." I yelled out at him still standing under the airport roof.

He shook his head and started to run. He threw his bags in the back seat and jumped in the car. "Sometimes the rain can be a bitch." I said starting up the car. "Where should I go first?" I asked looking at Lando then at Max. "Lando's house." he said looking back at Lando with a weird face. "What are you doing with your face?" I asked confused. "El I need to tell you something." Max said moving his body to face me in the front seat.

"My dad and Emily are moving to another house but they are still building so I'm gonna move in with Lando for the rest of the year." shock fell over my body. My mom was moving out of my childhood house and told me nothing about it. I just thought they were giving it a makeover.
"What? And what about me? Where are they going to stay? Why are they moving?" all these thoughts filled my head and Max gave me a hug. "I'm sorry Ella, your mom didn't want you to know but I had to tell you at some point." he said. I was in utter shock but I didn't say anything else. My anger took over my body as I drove to Lando's house.

As we arrived I parked the car in the drive way and jumped out." Ella hold on for a second, can I talk to you?" Lando said as I ran to the front door to not get soaked even more. "Move in with me." he bluntly said. "What? I can't do that." I said with a confused laugh. "Yes you can and you will. Why stay at a hotel for months if I have another spare bedroom for a 3rd party?" he said wiping the water from his face. "Alright fine." I said without thinking about it. "But let me get one thing straight." I could see he got ruffled up. "Don't leave the toilet seat up." we both busted out in laughter.

"Oii stop being inlove and come help me." Max yelled out. "I'm with Charles you dick head." I said rolling my eyes and running back to the car. I got inside and placed by bags in the room I was gonna stay in. I knew I had to call my mom later on but I wasn't in the mood to think about that now. I jumped on the bed and covered my head under the blanket.

"Ella can I come in?" Max asked from a distance. I didn't say anything but he came in anyway and sat next to me. "I'm sorry your mom didn't tell you but look on the brightside, you'll get to stay here with me and Lando.

I pulled the sheets from my head."I'll be happier if we can order pizza." I said frowning. "Well of course we can but then you need to come join us downstairs, Ria, Steve, Niran and Aarava are on their way." he said laughing and then walking away. I tried to forget about my mom moving so I changed into some other clothes and went downstairs.

By the time I got downstairs, Lando and Max were playing video games on the TV." What pizza do you guys want?" I asked searching for my phone. No one answered me as they were too occupied with the game. "Hello." I said waving my hands around. "Anything." Lando said and gave me a quick smile. "Okay fine, I'll order what I want." I made the order for 4 margaritas and then I got a call from Charles.

"Hey Charles, everything alright?" I asked as I stepped out of the room. "Hello mi amor, yes ofcourse, I was wondering if you wanted to go grab some lunch?" I felt bad that I had to say no since I am with Lando and Max. "I'm sorry but I just ordered pizza with Lando and my brother but if you want you can come here." I said without thinking. "Are you at lando's house?" memories came flooding back of Liam saying simular words. "Ella are you there?"  "Yes sorry I'm here, yes I am." I walked around in the house at this point. "Okay I'll see you in a bit." he hung up and I stood still in the kitchen.

"Is it fine if Charles can come over?" I asked from the kitchen. I saw Lando and Max look at each other and whispering. "Yeah it's cool." Max said softly. I was a bit confused by their reaction but I couldn't care.

The pizza came and Charles arrived soon after. "Hello gorgeous." Charles said as he walked towards me. I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "Are you okay, you look shaken up?" he asked and I played it off, not wanting to tell him I'm moving in with Lando. "Yes of course, you hungry the pizza just arrived."

We walked hand in hand through the front door straight to the kitchen. Max was getting out plates for us but Lando was no where to be seen." Hi mate, how have you been?" Max asked him." All good here." he said placing his hand on my lower back. "Where is Lando?" I asked looking around. "He got a call from Zak." he said taking a bite op the pizza. I just smiled and grabbed a slice for myself and walked to the living room. They followed after me and I played some background music as we all sat and talked.

Lando came back and I could see he wasn't happy that Charles was here. "Everything good at Mclaren?" I asked him. "Yeah just going over some stuff Zak can't figure out." he said giggling. "I don't want to tell my secrets if Charles is here." he said winking with a smile.

Someone knocked on the door and the rest of the group walked in. "I stood up and ran over to hug Ria." I've missed you." she said letting go." I missed you too, I have so much to tell you." I said walking back to the couch.

" So I see things are going well with Charles." Ria said as she looked at Charles from across the room. "Yes they are, but I have to tell him I'm moving in with Lando and Max and I don't know how he is going to react."Well he has nothing to worry about, I mean you and Lando are ancient history." "Well what if he doesn't think so?" I said taking another sip of my drink. "Slow down princess, you don't want to get drunk." Ria said taking my empty glass and placing it on the table.

"I have much to drink for, I can get one night of freedom." I said grabbing my glass and heading to the kitchen to get a refill. Ria didn't stop me from drinking more and before I knew I was drunk.


I saw Ella was enjoying herself a bit too much but I didn't want to control her. I walked over to her." Hey mi amor, you alright?" I said holding onto her waist. "I'm perfectly fine, how about you?" she said mubbling. "Why don't you sit down a bit?" I lead her to the couch. "I don't want to, I wanna party, let's go to a club." she insisted, she got up and ran around the house looking for something. Everyone else wasn't bothered and kept enjoying there evening. "Not now Ella, we're gonna stay here." I said following her.

I chased her around the house and I was getting sick of it. One of my friends made a bet with me that I couldn't get her to be my girlfriend and I never lose a bet. I would never tell her but it got a bit much for me. I didn't really like her and she wasn't my type but I didn't want to lose the bet.

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