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I drove to my parents house because I needed to get away. I couldn't keep up with everything and it was eating me up from the inside. I was gonna be a dad and I was definitely not ready for it. I arrived at their house and walked in. "Hey mom." I said sighing. "Hello my sweet boy." she walked over and kissed me on the cheek. Cisca and Flo also came over to greet me.

"Is everything alright?" she asked walking through the house. "Can I maybe talk to you and dad in private?" I didn't want my sisters to hear about everything, they loved Ella and they wouldn't understand it all.

We walked up to their bedroom. I couldn't sit still and walked back and forth while they sat staring at me. "Everything alrig-" I cut my dad off. "Ella's pregnant." I blurted out and froze staring at them. They looked at each other and took a minute to process it.

"Well, it's a bit early but we support you." my dad said but I didn't care about all the support stuff. "What do I do. She didn't tell me, she found out 3 weeks ago and kept it to herself." I said louder than before.

"What you need to do is be there for her, you don't know what she is feeling, all of her emotions are worse now." my mom tried to be sympathetic. "I know all that stuff but what about how I feel, I have a job, one I don't want to compromise."

"Look at Sebastian, Perez or even Kimi. They are still racing and they all have families, you don't have to give up anything." my dad made a good point but I was only 20, I don't even cook my own food nevermind raise a kid.

"She hurt me mom, I love her and she kept it from me, she pushed me away." I sat down on the floor against the wall. "Your my son and I'll do anything to protect you. We all love Ella, she's good for you and now you'll have someone that is the best of both of you. Don't let the thought of what she did get in the way of what you can have."

I looked up at her and smiled softly." Maybe your right, but I need time away from her right now, my emotions are too fragile." I admitted." That understandable, just don't wait too long." my dad said.

"Thanks guys." I stood up and gave them both a hug. We walked back down and I helped my mom prepare dinner. I knew I was gonna see her tomorrow and yes I miss her but it's just to early to talk.

. . .

I arrived at the airport and got on the plane. Our flight was quite late at night. Ella was already seated but I just couldn't bring myself to sit next to her. I walked past her and took a seat next to Carlos.
"Why aren't you sitting with Ella?" he asked taking out his earphones. "We had a fight." I didn't want to tell him immediately about everything. "Oh I'm sorry mate." he said looking at me.

"Just say your sorry, I'm always wrong if Isa and I fight." he said smiling. But I wasn't wrong in this situation, she was the one. "Ha yeah your right." I said smiling back.
We landed at Austin and I took my car I was using for the weekend to get to my hotel. I completely forgot Ella and I were still sharing a room.

I opened the door with the key card and I saw her bags by the couch. I tried to be as quiet as possible. "Hey." she said from the bedroom. I turned around and looked at her. She is still as beautiful as ever. "Hello." I replied and went on to unpack my bags. "I hope you don't mind me being here."

"Don't worry about it, I'll take the couch." I said not making eye contact. "Oh, okay, well I'm gonna go to sleep now so...goodnight." she said and closed the door between the living room. I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face.


The next morning I woke up quite late. I checked my phone and it was already 11am. George didn't need me today so I called Kelly and asked if she would like to go have lunch with me.

I got ready and opened the bedroom door. Lando's stuff was everywhere but he was gone. He left a note saying - Out with Carlos and Max, I'll be back later x-

I didn't know how to act or how to feel at this moment. I was happy to see him again but not being able to hug him or kiss him makes me nauseous. At least he told me where he was going.

I met up with Kelly and we went to a cute restaurant. "So lando knows." I said sighing loudly. "And?" she asked curiously. "Well I didn't tell him he found out and now we're not talking, I don't know if he wants to be with me anymore although he did tell me he loves me mid argument." I blurted out and took a bite of my food.

"Woah okay that's a lot." she said with widened eyes. "Yeah sorry." I smiled faintly. "No please, I'm here for you to tell me about all of your problems." she winked. "What does birth feel like?"

"The drugs make it less painful." she laughed at my question. "Oh okay, and do you regret getting pregnant?" I didn't know what has gotten into me. "Not even for a second, she's the love of my life. I was also scared at the beginning but the love you will feel for that baby is nothing like you'll ever feel." her words calmed me a lot.

"I'm so happy for you Ella, I know you don't feel that way right now but you'll see." she spoke with so much emotion, from a mother to a soon to be one.

"Thanks Kelly, I just need to figure things out with Lando." I said rolling my eyes. "He'll come around, just talk to him again, don't fight, just ask how he is feeling and get the answers you need." she smiled proudly and we went into the streets of Austria.

. . .

Today was Saturday and I went to the track with George. I still haven't spoken to lando but I thought I'll do it when we get back home. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable anymore to say the least. "You ready?" I asked George as we went on a run around the track.

"Of course, but this time I'm gonna beat you." George and I had our own little game of who can beat who and I loved it. We had a great relationship at work and off the track. "Yes, I won again." I said rubbing it in his face.

"Don't flatter yourself, I felt bad for you." he said pulling his face. "If I may ask, what's up with you and Lando, the man looks depressed." he said and it caught me off guard. "We got in a fight and we're not speaking to each other." I said out of breath. "Oh I'm sorry."

"No don't be, it's okay, we'll be okay." I still haven't told him I'm pregnant but I knew I had to. "Okay we faught about the fact that I'm pregnant." I said in one breath.

"Wow congratulations Ella, I'm so happy for you guys, it's his right?" he asked giving me a side hug as we walked in the pit lane. "Yes it is, but we got in a fight about it so I'm not the happiest girl in the world right now." I chuckled.

"Don't stress over it, enjoy the time you have now." he said wiping his face. "I wanted to say you were getting fat." he joked and I slapped him on the arm.

Qualifying just started and I sat with all the mechanics. I was cheering for George but also for Lando. George went through to Q3 and their were lots of excitement in the air.

"That's P10 mate, well done." everyone jumped up and hugged each other. I was so happy for George. Lando got p4 and I was also so happy for him. Although I couldn't tell him or show it I kept it in my heart and deep down I knew he knows I'm proud of him.

" Well done George." I said handing him his water bottle. "Thanks Ella, it's so hot today." he said falling down on a chair in his room. "Yeah I'm dying." I laughed at him.

"Then take off your jacket." he said pointing at it. "But people will be able to see my bump." I pulled my eyebrows together. "It's not that bad, people will find out eventually." he suggested. I took it off and you could see a part of my stomach touching my Williams shirt.

"Can you come with me to the interviews?" he asked as his assistant was sick. "Yeah of course." I went with him to the media pit and I saw lando glaring at me. He was mouthing words to me but I couldn't make out what he was saying. He messaged me to meet him back at the hotel.

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