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"Where are we going now?"  I asked as we walked back to the car. "You just wait and see." he said opening the car door for me. We drove to another location, one that was quite familiar. Tears slstartel to build in my eyes.

"I asked your mom where your dad is buried, she said you couldn't come visit him because of work so I thought we can do it together." he smiled holding my hand.

I was speechless. The truth is I didn't come visit because of my job but because I was too scared to do it alone. I didn't want to ask my mom because she is happy with Joe and I didn't want her to be sad. I got out of the car and held onto lando's arm. I walked in the direction of where my dad's grave stone was.

We stood infront of it. "Why fight when you can love." lando read out. "My dad always said that if he fought with me or my mom." I said with tears streaming down my face. "It's beautiful." he said throwing his arm around me. "He would've liked you." I said resting my head on his shoulder. "I think so too."

I told him some of my favorite stories with dad and I admired how he's attention was all focused on me.

. . .

We arrived home and everyone was still there. "Ella!" little cisca yelled out and gave me a hug. "I've missed you" I said hugging her back. Everyone greeted me again and I got a drink at the mini bar that was set up. "Hello sis, having fun ." Max said walking up to me. "Yeah, I love that everyone is here." I smiled at him. "So how was your date with my boy." he asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Not that it's any of your business but it was really nice, I had a good time." I said rolling my eyes at him and laughing. I made my round to talk to everyone. I was a bit more open about Miyah and they were all very  supportive. I played with Penelope for some time and she is literally the cutest baby ever. "Lands, check this out." I said and asked Penelope how old she was and she held her hands up.

I looked back at him and he was smiling at me. He sat down next to me in the living room and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm glad to see you so happy." he said rubbing my lower back. "Your gonna make me cry again." I said pushing him with my shoulder.

. . .

It was Monday today and there was no race for the upcoming weekend. Tom messaged me and said he was in town so we would go to his grandmother's house for the day. "Okay lands, I'm gonna head out now." I yelled from my bedroom. He peaked his head into my room.

"I'm gonna miss you." he said groaning with a puppy face. "I'll be back tonight don't worry." I said laughing while getting my purse. I gave him a kiss and he pulled me closer. "Lando not now, I need to go." I said pulling away from him. "Come on, when was the last time we acted like teenagers and made out in the bedroom." he said frowning.

"Literally last night." I playfully rolled my eyes at him. "But that feels like ages ago." he said folding his arms. "You'll have me tonight all to yourself, play some games with Max or something." I said walking down the stairs as he followed me. "Uhh fine, you better come home quick." he said slapping my but.

I jumped at his movement and ran out the door. I waved back at him and blew him a kiss. I drove to Tom's apartment he was staying at. "Hey Ella, it so nice to see you again." he opened the door and gave me a hug. "It's nice to see you too." I smiled at him as we walked to his car.

"So how have you been." he asked me as we drove away. "Life's been weird but it's all good." I said smiling at him. "Oh that's fantastic, we just finished shooting the new Spiderman movie." he bragged and I laughed at him.

"I can't wait to see it, I saw the trailer and I'm obsessed." I said excitingly. We talked all the way to his grandmother's house about the new movie and he gave me some classifies information.

"Hey grandma, you remember Ella, she used to live in the house next door." he placed his hand on my back and we walked through the front door. "Just a heads up, she has dementia." he whispered in my ear. I felt so bad for him, I can't even imagine what that must be like.

His grandma and I sat in the living room while Tom made us some tea. "So this is him in his Spiderman costume at every Halloween." she said showing me a picture in a book. I laughed so hard at some of the photos. "I see the resemblance now." I looked up at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Okay grandma, that's enough." he said embarrassed. "No, I was showing your girlfriend the picture when you broke you arm." she said and we both looked up at each other. "She's not my girlfriend." he said in a soft voice and smiled at me. We carried on and his grandma kept telling stories that she can remember about Tom. I really had a lot of fun.

"It's getting late, I should probably head back home." I said looking at my phone and it was already 5pm. "Why don't we go to a place I know, just get like one drink then I'll take you home." he said standing up with me. How can I say no to him but lando is gonna worry about me. "I can't, lando is gonna worry about me." I said pulling my eyebrows together. "Oh come on, you are aloud to go out with a friend aren't you, and I'll get you home safely I promise." I thought about it and it couldn't hurt. I haven't been outside my house or a f1 track in a while.

"Okay, yeah let's go. I'll just text lando." I smiled and we went off into the street, my phone died before I could send a text. We arrived at a local bar near his apartment. We got out and ordered a drink. "This is the place I had my first drink." he said talking loudly over the music. We talked more and the drinks just kept coming. I didn't even realize how much I was drinking.

We danced on the dance floor and I never felt this alive. I was feeling good, like I had no responsibilities and no problems in life.

The rest of the night was very blurry, I couldn't remember much as I was so drunk. The sun hit my face the next morning and I woke up. This was not a familiar bed or walls. I looked around and saw it was Tom's apartment. I was half naked under the covers and he was still passed out on the couch in front of the bed.

I panicked badly. Did we sleep together? Did we kiss? I didn't know what to think. I was at Tom holland's apartment with a hangover. I took my phone out of the charger and saw like a hundred missed calls and texts from lando.

For some reason I was scared to go home. I didn't know what I was gonna tell him. I don't even know what happened. I got up and shook Tom until he woke up. "What happened last night." I asked throwing a shirt over my head. "Uhh I'm not sure, I was really drunk." he said rubbing his eyes. "Well something must have happened, I'm half naked in your bed." I walked back and forth thinking of all the possibilities.

"Let me just get coffee then I'll be able to talk." he stood up and made coffee for us both. "What's the last thing you remember?" he asked me. "We were getting an uber I think and I have flashes of us entering your apartment but that's all." I said trying to think of more.

"I remember we were dancing on the floor too close." he said and I looked up at him with big eyes. "Did I cheat on my boyfriend?" I said dramatically. "No, no of course not." he said and I sighed with relief. "Well I don't think so." I wanted to scream. "Oh fuck, I do remember something now that I see your neck." he said pulling his face. I ran to the nearest mirror and my neck was filled with love bites.

"What the actual fuck." I yelled out loudly. "I think we might have kissed." he said rubbing his hands through his hair. "It looks like a vampire attacked me, are you sure we kissed, didn't someone like just suck on my neck for the fun of it or something." I tried to think of an excuse so that I didn't just kiss another guy.

"I'm not a 100% sure bit I see lips involved in my head." he said and I fell down on a chair. "Lando's gonna kill me, we need to figure out what exactly happened." I demanded slamming my fist against the table.

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