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After the race lando and I went back to our hotel to get ready for dinner with everyone. It was quite a fancy restaurant so I threw on a silk black dress with yellow heels to go with it.

"Wow, you look amazing." lando said as I did my makeup. "Auw thanks babe." I turned around and kissed him. "You don't have a problem that Charles is gonna be there?" he asked and I looked at him through the mirror.

"No, it's fine. We say hello every now and then if I see him in the paddock." I said finishing up my makeup.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go." I said taking his car keys. "You are not driving the mclaren." he said holding out his hands for the keys. I walked closer to him. I kissed him thoroughly and he pulled my one leg up.

"I don't think so." I winked and walked to the elevator.

"Hey Carmen." I said taking a seat next to her and lando on my right hand side." You look stunning." she complimented me and I thanked her. All the other people joined and with the boys on the one side and the girls on the other.

"Since we're all spilling some tea, Ella if it's not too personal. When are you guys trying for a baby?" Charlotte asked excitingly. The question caught me off  guard and I was silent for a few seconds.

"Let's maybe not talk about that." Kelly said looking at Charlotte. "No it's fine. We probably need to get married first then we'll think about baby number two." I said folding my lips together, trying to stay calm.

"You want to marry him?" Sandra clapped her hands together. I looked at lando next to me talking to his friends and I smiled. "Yes I mean I love him and I don't want to be with anyone else." I said taking his hand into mine. He smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek.

All the girls gushed over it and my cheeks turned dark red. Isa and I talked the whole night long about clothes and what we were gonna do for Christmas." For Christmas eve, we're going to my mom and Joe's and for Christmas we're going to his parents house." I explained.
"Oh that's so nice, does you mom like him?"

"Well I hope so, otherwise it would be very very weird." we laughed. "What are you guys gonna do?" I took a sip of my drink. "We're heading to Ibiza for the whole break."

"Ella, please tell them I'm good at golf." lando chipped in reaching for my attention. All eyes were on me. "Well lands, your trying your best." I said chuckling under my breath. All the guys laughed hysterically and I didn't even feel bad about it.

"Thanks for nothing." he rolled his eyes and I hugged him from the side. I had the most amazing time and I'm truly gonna miss this. Of course I'll be back next year but it's like my second home and I can't stay away for too long.

We got back to our hotel around 11pm."I'm so tired." I groaned falling down on the bed. "Hey babe can I talk to you for a second before you go to sleep?" Lando asked me and I stood up right. "So we've been together for over a year now and we've been living together. I talked to the team and my parents and I've decided to move to Monaco." I felt really shocked that he didn't asked me or tell me this earlier.

"Oh ok, I didn't know you were even looking for a place." I said speechless. "It's a really big decision and I'm really excited about it and I want you to come with me." he asked bending down infront of me.

My mind was running through everything. "I can't just leave my mom, my whole life is there lands."

"I know I know but I don't wanna go there without you, this can be a whole new chapter for us." he took my hand into his.

"How will that even work, Monaco is really expensive and to pay rent is worse I mean I don't make as much as you do, and what about Max and quadrant?" I got more concerned.

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