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"So you want my help?"

"Kaleah what's going on."

"Looks like you now have a siren piece of you."

"Yes we need your help."

"How do I know you're worthy of it?"

"We don't have time for this."

"No Kaleah wait. Hi my apologies for my friend here, but what's your name?"


"Well Kairi I have to save the world and I can't..."

"Do it without me yeah I know everything you know."

"What would I have to do in order to prove it to you?"

"For now you have my help and you are indebted to me."

She saunters off and she disappears from our sight.

"I don't like the tone of miss ma'am."

"We need her if we are going to win."

"I can still hear you."

Kiyah's eyes open and she gasps for air.

"Did you really have to pour ice water on me?"

"You had a fever and you were sweating. I didn't know what else to do I couldn't think straight. You weren't responding to light or my voice."

"It's okay I got to meet my siren essence."

"Is she a salty bish?"

Kiyah eyes glows and turns into a sea green color.

"Come again Jade!"

"Sorry my bad."

Kiyah's eyes goes back to normal.

"My head still feels cloudy and it felt like someone else took the steering wheel."

"Your siren is a real treat."

"Yeah she sees and hears everything I do."

"I saw."

"Well we're all are getting aquatinted and we all know how it feels to be the new girl on the block."


Kiyah's skin starts to glimmer and shines.

"Whoa girl I know glow up is real, but you didn't have to stunt on me like that."

Kiyah looks down at her skin and slowly smiles.

"The blessing of the siren."

"Well we have what we need right?"

"Is it just me or do I feel like we're missing a piece of the puzzle?"


"I'm going back to the woods."

"I'm going with you."

Kiyah shifts and I change into my bat form.

'What exactly are we looking for?'

'I'm not sure, but I'll know when we find it.'

A path starts to faintly illuminates and we follow it. Hopefully, this isn't a trap because we can't afford to get off track. The trail leads us in a clearing in the middle of the woods to an abandoned outpost. Kiyah nudges something with her nose.

'Is this a music box? Jade can you get Ace to get this?'

'Yeap he's on it.'

Ace transforms into a kangaroo and place it into his pouch. Kiyah sniffs the air and she has a distant look in her eyes.

'Jade go back to the cabin.'

'I'm not going to leave you.'

'I'm not alone I have Kaleah and Kairi.'

Jade hesitates and lulls it over.

'Fine. Be careful.'

Jade flies away and once the sound of her wings fades I mindlink the werewolf. He arrives within a few moments.

'I have some questions. My grandmother found me looking at the moon one night and she told me that the moon is very powerful. I've been feeling stronger each night.'

'The moon gives us strength and unleashes powers of the first werewolves that walked the Earth.'

'Would that be the time to strike?'

'That would be wise.'

'The moon affects vampires too right?'

'Yes the most powerful moon for them would be the blood moon.'

'Is there a way for me to harness the power of the moon?'

'Yes, it's been done before.'

'Really by who?'

'Me and I can train you. We don't have long until the moon is full.'

This information is mixed in along with my other training information. I mull it over and the other werewolf stares at me.

'Training starts tomorrow at dawn.'

After he says that he trots off into the woods. I head back to the cabin and Jade has the music box sitting on the coffee table.

A sweet, sad song begins to play on the music box.

'Hmm this is man's attempt to capture a siren's song.'

My skin begins to glow and Kairi fights to gain control. Sweat beads down my face as I try to suppress her down. A song begins to come out in a low tone but gradually gets louder and I can no longer hold her back. The melody is hypnotic and almost makes me want to cry.

Finally when Kairi stops Jade is left in tears.

'That's how that song is suppose to go.'

I fall onto my knees after she goes backs where she came from and I try to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?"


When I gather enough strength I get up onto my feet and sway back a little.

"Jade we have to go."

"Go as in leave."

"Hurry we don't have much time!"

After grabbing our belongings we hike as far away from the cabin as we can.

"I'm going to check it out."

"I'm going with you."

"Kiyah you're not in any shape to fight. I just have to get use to shifting into my siren form. Mind link me when you get there."

"Okay. Ace protect Kiyah at all cost."

I watch Jade shift into her bat form and fly away.

When I arrive at the cabin I see the same witches we saw a few nights ago.

"We searched the cabin but it's empty."

"They couldn't have gotten too far search everywhere and leave no stone unturned."

"Why would a siren be this far from water?"

'Kiyah the witches heard the siren song. I need you and Ace to keep moving out of harm's way.'

'No I'm not leaving without you. We're in this together.'

'I'll be right behind you. Head north and stop being obstinate.'

'If I don't hear your wings flapping or smell your scent we will stop.'

The leader of the witches balls her fist up and holds it in the air. The witches stop their search and she has their undivided attention.

"There's another magical creature in our mist."

Treachery From A SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now