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He rushes outside of the door and his clan crowds around him.

"We have to evacuate immediately! Gather a few personal belongings we have to move now!"

The vampires quickly move around their homes gathering their personal items as well as a few sentimental pieces. Once everyone is accounted for they look onto their leader for instruction.

"We're going to follow these two and they will provide a safe haven for us."

I share a look with Kiyah and she has a concentrated look on her face.

'What is it?'

'A few members have concerns and others just mindlessly follow him.'

'Well isn't that normal?'

'Yes...but keep an eye out for anything suspicious.'

I will admit she has a point but I'm a little conflicted. Vampires can be loyal, but the vampire history has a dark past of us turning against others. I take a look around the vampires among us. Kiyah shifts into her wolf form and I stretch a little bit. Kiyah takes off running and I run by her side. After a few hundred miles Kiyah trots to a stop.

"That should place enough miles between us and her."



'I need your help with a spell that will transport them to the safe house.'

'Okay, but how will our people know that we're sending extra vampires?'

'I'll send a quick text to Delta.'

'We left our phones remember.'

'Well maybe I can unblock my mindlink from them and send them a message.'

'Yeah that can work.'

Kiyah takes a deep breath and concentrates with her eyes closed.

'Okay it's done.'

We turn towards the vampires and explain to the what's going to happen.

"Just one question how do we know your kind won't slaughter us on sight?"

"I messaged them and they know you're with us."

I give Kiyah the nod of approval and we both cast the spell. The vampires begin to disappear one by one and I smile to myself.

'You know Kiki I'm glad we're doing this for a great cause.'

'Me too.'

Once the last of the clan disappears I grab Ace and he rests on my shoulders.

"Tell my dad I said hi."


Before I can complete my word I'm back at the safe house with the clan. I try to teleport back to Kiyah's location but to no avail.

"We're a team Ki! What part of that do you not understand?!!"

I have no choice but to move forward. I have to make sure this clan is taken care of. My dad rushes towards me and gives me a big embrace.

"Jade. Glad to have you back."

I give a firm nod in his direction and lead the clan into the safe house.

"You all have blood bags, new clothing, and accommodation. We need each and everyone of you to get your strength up! The time for the fight is swiftly approaching us and we want to be ready! Training shall commence tomorrow at nightfall."

I mustered up the last of my strength to send and block Jade from coming back. My knees buckle and multiple images dance in my vision. I try to keep moving only to fall onto my face, but I start crawling forward. The world around me starts to spin. My eyelids begin to feel as if they weigh thousands of pounds, but I try to keep them open. My breathing is coming out in labored breaths.

'Help me.'

I welcome in the darkness and serenity of the stillness in the woods. An earthy smell fills my nostrils and I completely black out. When I come back to my consciousness I take a look around. I'm in a cave that's been transformed into a home. I feel like I'm laying on a cloud and my mouth is extremely dry. Next to me is a glass of water. I gulp it down and try to sit up.

"You're up now?"

I look towards the door frame and there's a shirtless chocolate man leaning in the doorway. On one side of his chest is a tattoo of some type of words. Is this an eight pack I see? My eyes glide down even lower and his v-line is poking out above his basketball shorts. I skim my tongue across my bottom lip.

"Lemme get you some more water cause you hella thirsty."

I can't even say anything my face just heats up.

'Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!'

'Girl he's attracted to you I could see the tent growing in his shorts and let's not even talk about this sexual energy you both were given off.'

'He's the wolf from the woods! I've never seen him shift into his human form before.'

'The way you were undressing him with your eyes I could barely tell.'

He walks back in with another glass of water and I drink it down swiftly while trying to avoid eye contact.

When I steal a glance at him he's slightly frowning as if he's trying to fight something within himself. He sits right next to me and I fight the urge to place distance between us.

"What happened to you?"

"I was helping with transporting a clan of vampires to a safe house. I guess I overdid myself."

He takes a few seconds to mull it over before he speaks again.

"Where was the other girl?"

"I used my last bit of strength to make sure she got there too."

"If I hadn't came to your side when I did you probably wouldn't have made it."

"Thank you."

"No problem. You should be ready to train in a couple of days."

He tries to get up and I touch his arm.


That touch sent an electrifying shock right to my core.

"You need to heal. Get some rest."

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