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"I'll be back." I say before sprinting off toward the woods.

I don't turn back and the more I run the more free I feel. My mind is busy with my thoughts that I don't remember when I shifted into Kaleah's form. I just need clarity and my intuition is telling me I'm choosing the right path. I slow my run down to a trot and lay down in the middle of the ground. A frustrated howl escapes my mouth before I lay my head down.

'I'm not running I just need time to think.'

My mind is silent for the first time in a while. A sound of leaves being slightly crushed places me on alert. I scan my surroundings looking for the source and my eyes land on a white wolf.

'Are you Kiyah daughter of Zayne?'

'Depends on who is asking.'

'I'm Anita from the Lake Shore Pack. I wanted to let you know that we are one of the many packs that are going to back you up in battle.'

'Thank you Anita.'

'I wanted to let you know that you inspire numerous of our own members. We definitely have some pups who want to grow up to be like you. Keep doing what you're doing and just know the stories of your adventures are impactful. Feel free to visit our pack anytime.'

'Thank you. I will be sure to do so once we make matters straight.'

'Understood. Until next time.'

She bows and runs off in the direction she came. My curiosity levels rise since her departure. I hope my dad has all the answers to my questions. I shift back into my human form and casually walk back towards my grandma's house. My dad is standing right where I left him. Oddly enough I enter the house and see everyone else crowded around the window. I roll my eyes and clap.

"Bravo everyone. Good job, but you can stop the mannequin challenge. Seriously?"

No one moves and the frown in my forehead creases deeply. I wave my hand in front of Jade's face but she doesn't try to stop me.

"Something isn't right about this."


My eyebrow arches while my ears try to place the voice with a name. It's official I have become insane.


"Not sure who or what you are but if you could materialize that would be nice."

I say with a sigh.

"Sorry kinda new to the job." Says a hooded figure.

"Yeah this is borderline creepy and I'm not feeling it. So if you don't mind can we skip to the part of you unfreezing my family."

"That's why I'm here."

I exhale and smile from the relief.

"What's the catch?" I finally say after a few thoughts.

"Catch? There isn't any this is a serious matter that needs to be handled properly."

"How come I'm not frozen in time?"

"That is something we can look into later but for now we have to fix this before time collapses onto itself."

"What do we need to do?"

"Speeding it up would complicate things more."

"So we're going to have to go back in time to undo what Jade did?"

"Yes, but even then it may or may not work."

"Won't that mess up something in the future? Isn't it called the butterfly effect?"

"There is a possibility of something changing drastically, but the current path we are on has a 99.98 percent chance of imminent death."

Well once again another drastic choice, but for me it should be a no brainer.

"Alright I'm ready."

A portal opens in front of us and I glance back at my family one last time before stepping back in the past.

"What is this place?" I say as I admire the colors and the way I float.

"This is where they ambushed the time keeper but we're going to get to the time keeper before them."


"Long time no see." The time keeper says while showing up out of thin air.

"There's no time for jokes and wordplay I have something I need you to do that will save both of our jobs and this dimension."

"Go on."

"Jade and Ace are going to visit you in approximately 2 minutes and we need you take your cloak off and Kiyah will make it float across to seem like it's you."


I raise my eyebrow and on the tip of my tongue I want to say how this could go left in numerous ways.

"Um I don't want to seem negative or anything but how are we suppose to make it feel like it's actually someone underneath there? I don't recall a spell that accomplish that at least not one that I have read."

"Fine I'll take Gregorian's place. Easy fix. Kiyah I need you to place this cloak on to conceal you from them."

I nod and slip on the cloak and hold my hand out.

"Are you sure they won't be able to see me?"

"To think you called me creepy earlier."

"I said it was borderline creepy."

"So what do you think?" Ace says.

"Next time warn me before you push me from an elevated height." Jade says while rolling her eyes.

"Where's the fun in that?" He retorts.

She laughs sarcastically.

"Besides you're a vampire you can fly." He says while floating besides her.

"Okay where did you send us?" She asks.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that we find what we're looking for." He says and as she follows his gaze.

"Is that...?" She says without completing her sentence.

"Bingo right on time." Ace says as he scampers off.

So far so good. I try not to move or make a sound as I continue watching them.

"Just leave me then." Jade says as she tries to move effortlessly as Ace , but ends up moving slower than him. He comes back and pulls her to where he is.

"This is our window right here and we're going to take it." Ace float throws her onto the imposter time keeper and the hooded one struggled to get away from them. Jade pins the imposter and Ace throws another blow. The movement ceases and I am silently cursing under my breath.

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