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She was down to business and no games were played at all.

"Arnold come with me. We have to find the fountain."

"Blanche you scared the hell out of me."

A few spirits stopped and looked at Arnold while murmuring to themselves.

"Sorry." He mumble in an inaudible tone.

"We don't have long." I say while tugging at him.

"I passed a fountain not too long ago I believe."

"Nice lead the way. When we get there I jump in first and don't let go of me no matter what happens."

He nods and leads us through buildings and some annoyed spirits. When we reach the fountain there is a huge, towering shadowy figure.

"What type of beings were you in your past life?"

Avoiding any type of contact we move around it in an exaggerated circle.

"Blanche we have to come up with something that doesn't have to do anything with our past life. They don't like our kind."

"What would be respected here?"

"Anything but what we are I presume."

"We could just say nymphs and you be a troll or something of that nature."

"Ha ha very funny."

"We gotta do what we have to."

"Fair point."

"How do we know if it was speaking to us though?"

"True ignoring it could be better."

"Would it be the right move? What if ignoring it makes it into a bigger problem than what it is?"

"Fifty fifty chance."

"We might as well paint the town red."

"Do you ever get tired of running Kiy?"

"Running from what?"


"This isn't running it's choosing your battles wisely. We are protecting our destinies."

"So when you left me no when you forced me to abandon you in the woods what was that? Huh? You know I wouldn't leave you nor allow you to do that."

"Sometimes sacrifices have to be made."

"I just want communication between the two of us is all. No more hidden motives or secret moves. We can't afford to be surprised in the middle of the battle. You've changed ever since we were in the corridor that radiates ancient magic. Your my sister and I don't know what I would do without you Ki. I just need us to be back on the same page. Let me in I have your back."

"Wow I didn't realize I'd hurt you this much it wasn't at all my intention. I don't have anything necessarily planned for the war it'll all be impromptu. I'll try to communicate in the mind-link but we'll have to figure out some time of slang or look to give so our motives won't be breached by the dark one."

"Right. I can tell there's something else on your mind."

"The dark book."

"Yeah? Did you learn something new? Wait did you find a mentor to help you with dark magic?"

"No. As a matter of fact I haven't read it. The problem is once you begin to use dark magic you slowly lose the good pieces of yourself and replace them with darker pieces. That's the only reason I haven't read it. Fighting darkness with darkness will leave everyone in the dark. The only way to win over darkness is through light and I believe without a shadow of doubt light is more powerful than darkness. We just have to stick together and remain unwavering to win."

"Look at you becoming wiser with each passing day. Let me find out you were drinking water out of a magical well."

"Not too much."

We share a laugh and it eases the tension.

"I know I might not say much Ki but I admire you."

"I don't know why I'm just me nothing special."

"Those are the most special people of all. The ones who don't truly see how special they are."

I embrace Jade and I didn't think our bond could get any stronger but here we are.

"I feel like we're missing someone."

"Ace! The one time he isn't holding onto my shoulder."

She hits her forehead and I shake my head.

"Well he'll join us for the war so we'll see him there.

"Hopefully he's preparing himself as well, but knowing him he's probably taking a nap."

"I don't blame him at all. We all need our rest."

"That's the thing though how can you possibly rest when there's so much to think about with everything happening to us and around us?"

"You have to learn how to quiet your mind and take things one step at a time is all I can tell you. Sleepless and restless nights only tired your mind and body out. I understand truly there is so much to think about but if you just take a minute to breathe you'll be fine."

"Okay I understand."

"Glad you do. I'm proud of you for holding it all together Jade even though I wasn't by your side during it. I can't wait to see how your training has been in my absence."

"Thank you that means a lot coming from you."

"Oh hush up." I laugh while slightly pushing her shoulder.

"Promise me you'll let me know next time you disappear like that."

"I'll try my best."

"Better than last time."

I side-eye Jade and she shrugs.

"What I'm being honest."

"Okay my apologies for leaving you Jade please forgive me for my actions."

"All is forgiven." We hug it out and let each other go.

"Show me what you learned." Without hesitation she starts throwing attacks my way that I block and counterattack.

"Don't hold anything back Kiki. Treat me as a real opponent."

"I mean obviously." I say while side stepping an attack.

"Come on hit me with your best shot!"

I swing and I stop before my fist can connect to her face. I put my fist down and turn away from her. She spins me back around to face her.

"What was that?"

"What do you mean?"

"You had a clear chance and didn't take it."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"It's training that's how you learn."

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