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Jade strides over to Kiyah and Kairi vanishes from sight. Tears begin pouring down her cheeks and it's heartbreaking to watch.


Kiyah shakes her head and continues to let the tears stream.

"We'll make sure you can get her back Kiyah. I promise." Blanche says as she heads out of the room. After she exits the girls fathers enter inside of the room. They glance over their daughters and Zayne suppresses a growl when his eyes lay upon Keanu's hand on Kiyah.

'What's wrong baby girl?'

'I lost Kairi.'

'My apologies I can get you into the spirit world but only when you fully recover. Of course you'll also have to get more training in.'

'Thank you.'

Zayne kisses her forehead and glares at Keanu before exiting the room with Jaime. Once the door closes behind them Jaime and Zayne walk in front of the room the girls' mothers are in.

"Do you really think that they could be...?"

"Only time will tell."

Blanche walks up behind the fathers and sighs.

"We've had a few witches in there unmasking the layers of magic on those two. We'll know for sure once all that is cleared off."

"How long will it take?" Zayne inquires.

"Could be an hour or a few minutes. It's hard to tell. Just be prepared if it is...Kiarah and Jewel."

A silent moment passes and a mutual agreement is had between the trio.

"They will need to be interrogated as well preferably not by any of us. We know the old versions of them which will cloud our judgement that's evident." Blanche says.

"You have a point. I have someone to investigate them." Zayne says with a stony expression.

"I have someone that can help out too." Jaime offers.

"We have to not let our emotions get the best of us." Blanche says as she rests a hand on their shoulders.

"Very well." Zayne replies.

The head pack doctor Rita walks out of the room.

"Alpha did you want to go in and see them?" She asks.

"What's their status?" Zayne asks.

"Aside from everything else we stabilized them. They may regain consciousness within the hour but I wouldn't hold your breath." Rita replies while looking through her notes.

"Meaning?" Blanche asks with a hint of attitude.

Rita looks at her alpha before speaking.

"Look the more layers of magic we peel back the worse they're looking. Which is why we are peeling a few layers back and healing the exposed inner layers before we proceed. However, with this extraction process we might need to explore other options." She clears her throat before handing each person a how to deal with the loss of a loved one pamphlet.

"I don't mean to upset or frighten anyone but we are doing the best we can. I have the best witches in the country along with the top medicines on and off the market. I also have human doctors working alongside of me. I am 85% certain we are going to come out on top of this and the pamphlet is for the other 15%. Now if you'll excuse me I have to head to the lab." Rita curtesies before Zayne then heads down the hall.

Zayne goes into the room and the other two follow behind him. The guard covers up the window before heading out to guard the door. Zayne takes a seat by Kiarah's bedside and grabs her hand. Her cheeks and eyes are sunken in. Scars runs across varied parts of her exposed skin. Zayne's inner wolf whimpers from the mere sight of it and he hardens his exterior. If this isn't Kiarah they have fooled him along with the others well. Zayne vows that he'll have a level head while investigating what happened to his mate. Once all the pieces are in place he'll burn it all down. Jaime looms over his precious Jewel and his eyes flash with distaste mixed with anger. His fangs begin to extend while his insides boil from the growing wrath.

"We have to have a level head." Blanche reminds everyone in the room.

"Does this not bother you? Your daughters are on these hospital with the life drained out of them! While you stand there and want us to be rational and logical..."

"You don't think I'm pissed! I am pissed off and ready to set everything ablaze, but I am not going to do that. The price is too high and I have granddaughters to think about too. What I do affects them! Yes I raised both of these girls too but there's a chance that they may not be my daughters." Blanche says.

Arnold walks into the room.

"What did I just walk into?" Arnold questions before the door closes behind him. His eyes fall onto his daughters and he places his hand on Kiarah's face. He places his fingers onto her forehead and look into her psyche. He starts seeing images and even though it starts to pain him he pushes through it.

"Blanche this is Kiarah." He says as he holds his forehead in his hand.

"Arnold are you alright? Here take a seat."

Arnold takes a seat and Blanche pours him a cup of water. Arnold takes a few sips before standing up and walking towards Jewel's bed. He searches through her psyche and she is the real deal.

"They are both in fact themselves and they've been through some severe trauma. I recommend rest and they need therapy lots of it." Arnold says as he staggers toward Blanche.

"Hey lean on me. We should get you checked out too." Blanche says as she supports Arnold.

"No I'll be fine. I just need to sit down for a bit." Arnold says.

"Uh uh we're getting you checked out." Blanche says as she leads him down the hall.

Once they leave Zayne and Jaime engage into a serious conversation.

"Since the dark mistress was involved..." Zayne starts.

"The girls defeated her." Jaime finishes.

"We don't know what happened. If any pieces remain of her she could come back with vengeance."

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