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"Come back to your grandmother's home and let her finish talking to you. She didn't tell you the full story."

"I would rather live somewhere else."

"First go to your grandmother's house then we'll arrange that later."

I take off running leaving my dad to catch up to me.

"Come on lets go back to your grandmother's house."

"No. I can't."

"Yes you can I'm right here for you."

"I know I can out run you old man."

The back door opens and everyone is back into my home. I nervously hold the letters that they came to my house with.

"Here are the letters your mothers wrote the night you were delivered to my other home."

Both of the girls read them over and then the paper simmers to reveal a hidden message to both of them.

"What type of sorcery is this?"

"I was about to say the same thing Kiki."

By the time they're finished reading it tears are threatening to fall from their eyes. Arnold steps in front and leads the girls into his den. Both of them sit down side by side.

"Alright I know you've lost a little respect and maybe some trust for her but I'm going to help both of you to recall some memories. Just close your eyes and relax."

Both of the girls recline and close their eyes.

The first thing I see is just pitch blackness around in my vision then I hear a voice.

"Hello little one. I'm Kiarah your mother. I can't wait until I meet you. Your daddy doesn't even know you're growing in my stomach. I think I'm going to surprise him in a few weeks. Thank you for not making me have morning sickness."

I hear my dad's voice frequently and it stops after she visits an Oracle. I hear Jade's mom on numerous occasions. I saw my first transformation and the many play dates with my best friend. The last time I see my mother is when she's shipping us to grandma's house. I see the earliest memories of grandma taking care of us and the bags she had under her eyes.

One night in particular stands out when I had a fever and she stayed up with me even though I was fussy. She rocked me in her rocking chair and looked me in my eyes.

"I'm not giving up on you any time soon. So don't you give up on me."

When I broke my fever she still continued to watch over me to make sure I made it through the night.

The next thing I hear is a voice that drips with age.

This tale begins with a friendship anew
While the witches were stirring their brew
Two girls were born
Their heritage filled with scorn

Together they will sew the ripping world at its seams
Due to one race trying to get ahead with their schemes
The mortals remain in the dark with their aspirations and dreams

The supernatural world will not stay the same
The old law aflame
A new law will be in place
The old traditions will not be erased

After I hear those words I lurch forward and turn to look at Jade. She looks back at me with the same look of concern.

"Did you just hear what I did about two girls were born?"

"I did it was the last thing I heard before I looked at you."

"Do you see and understand why your grandmother did what she did?"

"Yes and thank you."

"Yes thank you grandma."

We both hug her and she returns the hug.

"It's time."

I give Kiki a confused look and our dads take begin taking us in opposite directions. Before I know it I'm at my dad's house or should I say bachelor pad?

"We did get here mighty fast lemme guess you had grandpa and grandma in it?"

"It was the only easy way we could get you apart from Kiyah."

"No it wasn't. You and the others need to treat us as adults."

"You weren't acting as an adult by running off from your grandmother. Jade I didn't bring you here to argue I brought you here to get to know you and train you."

"Why can't I train with Kiyah."

"For starters she is part werewolf and her training isn't the same as yours."

"So when do we start?"


He throws a serving tray my way and I dodge it with ease while throwing him a dirty look.

"What the hell was that?"

"You'll never know when your enemy is going to attack it just happens."

The next thing he throws is a chair then dishes. He then lunges towards me and I barely dodge. He starts throwing various punches and it becomes more difficult to avoid. His fist stops right in between my eyes.

"I could've hit you right there and had you at my mercy. You didn't block. Keep focusing Jade."

I step away and help myself to a glass of water.

"Dad where are we?"


The house that's in front of me looks like a celebrity's mansion. There's a lot of people traveling around the grounds. When my dad walks people move out of the way and bow.

"Are you royalty or something? Do they always do this?"

"Eh you could say that."

"Zayne can you look this list over?"

"Kiyah I want you to meet my beta Cartier."

"Nice to meet you Kiyah."

"Like wise Beta Cartier."

"I like her already Zayne."

"Zayne, Cartier were you going to let me miss the pack's princess?"

"That guy right there is my delta Oryan."

"Hello delta Oryan."

"I'm glad I could finally meet you."

"Oryan is going to be the one to train you while Cartier and I attend to the matters at hand."

Before I can protest Oryan is telling me about the place where we are going to train. I'm half listening to him while trying not panic about my dad I barely know leaving me alone with a stranger.

Treachery From A SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now