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Jade and I briefly link hands together. That's when the feeling throughout my body resisters like it had when I was training at the pack house. When the bright light settles a large wolf is beside me along with a siren. Beside Jade is a bat and Ace. Our "moms" are taken aback by our warriors beside us.

'Kaleah? Kairi?'

'Yes Kiyah it's us and you can talk to us out loud if you'd like. Unless it's a secret.'

"What are you doing don't just stand there?! Fight the enemy."

Our moms strike spells toward us.


"I got it."

Kairi deflects and sends a counter spell of her own.

"Be careful with them sedate them but don't kill them. They could be our moms we are not sure." I say while urging Jade to follow me.

'Cover us me and Jade are going after the dark mistress.'

'Will do got it.'

Jade and I run across the sand into a hut.

"This is where it all began."

"Where what began?" I ask not taking my eyes off of her.

"Your stories. Kiyah I believe you were born here and Jade in the hut beside this one. All the history held within this hut. If walls could talk...oh wait they could if I wanted them to."

I tired of the games and the tom foolery. This is all mental if we can just play along and then we'll have it squared away. I pull out a chair and Jade follows suit.

"Eager to listen I see."

"You know I feel inconsiderate why don't you tell us your story."

"Yeah I wanna hear that. It might convince us to join you."

Alright now Jade you laying that on a little too thick.

"My story is boring...I had an ordinary birth. Nothing special happened except being born in a regular household. My mother kept a secret from papa that she was actually a witch. While he was aging she was remaining youthful. He questioned it once and she told him her beauty was a gift from her mother. He never questioned it and the women in the village became green with envy from my mother's lack of aging. They called her a witch and had her burned at the stake. At least that's what they thought and we fled for refuge at a coven. They discovered I had the gift of magic. My hunger for knowledge immensely grew and the coven no longer had anything left to appease my appetite. That's when I found the forbidden dark magic books. My hunger became satisfied with the new knowledge being gained. Of course there was someone watching from the corners that reported me to the head council of witches. They read my transgressions off of their scroll and the punishment was banishment. It caused my mother to go into cardiac arrest and I wasn't allowed to be by my mother's side. The whole coven turned its back on me when I needed the most. It shaped me into my current state."

I can't help but to feel sympathy for her. She has the manipulation down pack. The chairs start to tighten around me and I'm locked in.

"My story makes this part taste oh so sweeter. I vowed to wreck havoc onto the family who was responsible for my downfall."

'Jade all of this is an illusion quit struggling.'

"Oh it's not an illusion. It's quite real." She smiles and laughs in my face.

"It must be hard to underestimate yourself so much that you have to restrain young adults who are eons younger than you."

"Kiyah I must thank your father and mother for the humor they've provided for you. All is fair in war and revenge. I do agree that playing cat and mouse would do quite well in your final moments. To even this out I'll even give you a head start."

"No more running and hiding."

"Very well child have it your way."

She fires two spells in our direction and we barely deflect it in time. We counterattack and with a simple flick of her wrist her spells are flying towards us. We dive on opposite sides and the dark mistress cackles at us.

"The fates sent two amateurs to defeat me. How preposterous!"

She's running my tongue out and my saliva is drying up.

'How are we suppose to beat her? She's literally running laps against us.'

'There's a way we just have to figure it out.'

I feel like my body is draining faster without Kaleah and Kairi. I'm not sure how to get them back inside of me. That rules that out from being a possibility but something has to shake. My body is being pushed to its limits and harnessing the power of the moon will possibly kill me. I send out three spells and she blocks two. The third spell hits her across her face.

Her eyes glows pitch black and her energy bounces off of her in waves.

"Play time is over!" She yells.

She slams my whole body onto the ground and pain shoots throughout my body. I grit my teeth together and hold in my cry. Jade runs toward me and she gets suspended in the air.

"You will learn some manners before your death."

She starts to close her fist and I can feel my bones threatening to break from the pressure.

"Kiyah. Kiyah. Kiyah." She moves closer towards me and her hold on Jade looks like it's weakening. Jade lands onto her feet and she doesn't notice it while she zones in on me. Jade attempts to throw a punch but loses her balance and lands besides me.

"You'll have to go through me to get to her."

"That ain't nothing but a word."

Jade holds my hand and my strength renews. When I jump up I don't see her.


'Kiyah I'm right here.'

The dark mistress eyes widens.

"How are you? No matter...this abomination. I'll kill two birds with one stone. Say your prayers."

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