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I'm beyond frustrated and I just want to give up. My dad just stepped up and took over with the training. I barely get a chance to help and I mostly do chores.

"Jade do the laundry. Help out in the kitchen and make sure they're comfortable."

I mockingly say to myself while washing dishes and I roll my eyes. Hearing word from Kiki has my hopes up though even though I'm still disappointed she didn't give me an option to stay with her. Ace stares at me with concern from the shelf above the sink.


"You have soap on your face."


He splashes soapy dish water on me and I splash water back at him. In the midst of the laughter and fun I didn't notice dad walk in.

"Jade. You have water everywhere and this isn't our place for you to mess up. Everything needs to be decent and in order."

I take a deep breath and go back to washing dishes.

"Jade acknowledge me when I'm speaking with you."

I turn and see him looking at me. After I let the dish water out I cast a spell to clean up the kitchen.

"What's going on with you?"

"If I told you would anything change?"

He sits down and his phone begins to loudly ring.

"Hey I'll have to call back...can it wait. Look I'll have to call you back my daughter needs me."

"Both of y'all treat us as children."


"Me and Kiyah. We aren't children. We are young adults and need to be treated as such. If not then we don't have a place in your lives. We found the lost clan of vampires and I should help train them. I shouldn't be sitting on the sidelines doing chores."

"Jade it's not like that. I can teach them things that's more specific to them."

"What about me? Is my training not complete?"

"There's always more you can learn. Remember that sweetheart."

I calmly snap my fingers causing the brooms and mops to drop to the floor. Ace climbs onto my shoulder and I blink us to my dad's bachelor pad. I wander down the hall until I reach the door on the far right. The walls are midnight purple with drawings of stars, nighttime creatures and the moon on the wall. In the middle of the room is a crib with a lace canopy decorated with flowers. My name is on the wall with pictures of me in the womb.

"Wow it's sad that he never got to see me as a baby."

"Is this your first time seeing this?"


I enter my nursery and close the door behind me. I sit in the rocking chair in the far corner while taking in the room.



'I don't have long but how is everything.'

'We've been walking on glass around here. Dad won't let me get involved with the training and I wish you hadn't left me.'

'Oh and I know. Believe me when I say I didn't leave you because it would hurt you. I just have somethings I have to do and get straightened out.'

'Understandable and don't be too stubborn to ask for help when you need it.'

'You know me too well and I won't. How's my dad doing?'

'He's keeping busy but I can tell he's taking your absence hard.'

'I hope he doesn't do anything that would cause him to lose the pack. I probably should mindlink him.'

'Yeah it would do him some good to hear your voice.'

'Well I have to go and I'll keep in touch.'

'Kiki stay safe.'

'I will.'

Our telepathic conversation ends and Ace stares in my direction.

"I can tell you genuinely miss her."

"I do."

"Do you want me to check on her to make sure she is safe?"

"That would be amazing, but let me see if she's blocked you from returning to her location."

After analyzing him I can tell she hadn't denied his access to her location.

"Looks like you should be good bud."

"Splendid shall I go on the count of 3."

I didn't even count I sent him on.

"I was wondering when you would finally stumble into your old room."

I let silence follow his words.

"I apologize for not letting you be more involved with the training. You are absolutely right. I need to view you as my young adult daughter and not as my darling infant daughter in her mother's womb. I missed the chance to see you grow up into the lady you are today. You will always be my little girl."

I give him a big hug and he hugs me back.

"Are we good now?"

"We good."

I almost start to cry but instead I hold it in.

No countdown huh and I'm in a middle of this cave that almost looks like a house. I see Kiyah in her wolf form peeking around the corner. I tap her on her back and she swiftly turns towards me. When she sees it's me she turns into her human form.


"In the flesh!"

I get a bear hug and she almost squeezes the life out of me.

"Whoa I didn't come all this way to be crushed to death."

"Sorry I'm just glad I could see a friendly face from home."

"Alright I'm busting you outta this joint."


"I mean it. There's no way you'd still be here if you could get out all by yourself. I know it."

"Unless I had training to do."

"There's...well that's a good point."

"First I have to check out something though and I'm glad you're here."

"Don't tell me you're about to do what I'm thinking."

"Possibly so are you down?"

"I was down before it was even in the dictionary."

"We're going to have to sneak out of here though."

"What are we up against?"

"Another werewolf."

"We can take it."


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