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"Bring it in boys." A fairy barks as two hefty men bring in two tv monitors into the downstairs bedroom. They start wiring it up and connect it with two game controllers. The fairy turns on the tv monitors and all that is seen is a static screen. She kicks both of them a few times and it shows a beautiful, breathtaking place.

"Alright guys here's how this is going to operate. You press down on the left analog stick and that's going to change the prospective of how you view the supernatural realm. At the angle you're at now you're going to see it through their eyes. Of course the right analog stick is how you're going to move. The x button is to jump, the circle button to go into defense mode, square button to fight, and the triangle button is your special move. The back triggers can be used to block but if used in a special order with the other buttons will create a special move. The d pad is also great for special moves as well among other things in this pamphlet I'm leaving for both of you. Any further questions you may ask me now or feel free to contact me on the information I typed on the cover of the pamphlet. The equipment will return to me as soon as both souls are in their bodies. However if the equipment is used in long periods of time it may overheat which means you may have to shut it down for a bit before turning it back on."

"Is there..."

"Before you ask no there is no tutorial mode. Any more questions? No alright we will be in our way."

They leave and the only thing we hear is a faint noise from their truck.

"You've played a video game before right?"

"I don't live under a rock."

"What's the last game you've played?"

"Pac Man or was it some type of Mario game."

"So no call of duty or anything like that?"

"My call of duty is to my pack."

"That's a no. Okay you did understand what she said earlier right?"

"Of course with the controls and they're labeled."

His phone dings and lights up from a notification.

"They sent me a survey. My first comment will be for them to install a tutorial mode. Everything else was A-1 until we start it."

"Didn't she say something about it overheating?"

"Just means we'll have to move quick as possible and without error. Don't worry it doesn't heat up immediately it takes a few hours before it does."

The opening menu mockingly taunts back at us while the gears turn in my head. I defiantly stare back at it and almost break my controller in the process.

"You straight."

"Yeah." I clear my throat and breathe out."

Jaime starts it and the monitor screen splits into two.

"They're in two different parts of the spirit realm and it looks like I have Arnold and you have your mother in law."

"Are those objectives on the right side of the screen?"

"Yeah and it's a shit ton of them."

"At least there's a partial map and it looks like you have the other half to my map."

Arnold?! My energy radiates off around me. What is he doing here? I almost died and I almost allowed it to happen. Death grasped its comforting arms around me and offered me peace. I haven't felt that in a while since my daughter's passing. I could find her here and Jewel to speak with them. Hell I could possibly bring them back with me to our realm. Wait they'll need a physical body in the physical world. This won't work or will it? Well the only thing I need to focus on is Arnold and getting back before the battle begins.

I pass through the room I'm in and find myself in a mystical garden of some type. Here we go again with the dramatics I see. Giggling and sweet symphonies fill the warm summer breeze sifting through the mystical garden. Children and strange beings alike are holding hands while using the melody of ring around the rosie with their replaced lyrics.

"Ring around the garden. A pocket full of roses. Fire! Fire! We all rise up!" They repeat it until they're are two small weeping children left.

Without delay I go forth the comfort them.

"What's the matter hmm?"

"They left us behind. There's no one left for to send us to our next destination!" I mull over the declaration.

"I will help you get where you need to go."

"How you are only one spirit? We need one more."

"I will bring another one to aid in your journey. Wait for me here in the garden where it's safe."

"Ok." Their tears stop flowing and reduce into a slight sniffle.

I continue through until I come into another portion of the garden. It couldn't possibly be...Jewel?

"Hi mama Blanche. Our time is limited but I can take you to Arnold."

My form flickers from the tears that fall.


"We might have time for one or two questions."

"How are you and Kiarah?"

"We're surviving best we can. She actually wanted to see you personally but she saw Zayne which took a huge chunk of her energy going into the physical realm. She's recuperating and it shouldn't take her that long."

"When I go back I'm going to find you and her a physical body. I want both of you back home."

"There's no need for that. One last question before I ship you off."

"How can I come back to the garden before we enter back to our world?"

"At the town square where Arnold is there's a fountain just jump into it and it should bring you both back here. Make sure you're holding hands and you're the first one to jump in." After she spoke those words within a flash of light I bump into Arnold.

Treachery From A SupernaturalWhere stories live. Discover now