𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. better than revenge

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"Ooh.. waffles?" Maze asked, as she sunk into a chair, across from Molly. "Do you do this for all of your clients?"

"You're not just my client, Maze. You're like a daughter to me." Molly smiled, sipping blood from her reusable coffee cup.

Maze loved Molly, like she was her second mother.

Molly Hale had a beautiful story... she was a lonely vampire who rescued and adopted two werewolf cubs, who were spelled to stay in their wolf forms.

She took Jade and Jesse in as her own and saved them, even though they could do the one thing that could end her life.

"Are you sure you don't want to see Emma, since we are close?" Molly asked, but Maze shook her head. "I'm more comfortable talking to you." She decided.

Molly smiled, before she nodded. "Well, this will be absolutely confidential. Alaric, Jade and Jesse will have no idea about what goes on during our sessions." She said, as the blonde nodded, "Thank you."

"Why don't you start by telling me about residing back in the dormitories again, how do you feel about that?" Molly asked, looking at the Saltzman intently.

"I'm happy to be out of the cellars, that is for sure." Maze began. "It's been nice to spend more time with Ari and Jade." She added, as she thought about the werewolf and the witch.

"Sharing a dorm with Hope is a little weird.." Mazikeen admitted, as Molly had a look of surprise. "And why might that be?" She asked, softly. "Well.. Hope and I were best friends when we were kids... but we drifted apart a lot."

Molly nodded, "Is there anything else you would like to say?" She asked, as Maze thought about her few days she had spend residing in the school again. Bianca had played a few pranks on her, and at first they were harmless but then they became pretty brutal.

The Saltzman then remembered that her retaliating to Bianca's rude behaviour is what caused her to be sent to reside in the transitional cellars, so she decided not to talk about it.

"No.. not really."

Suddenly, a piece of paper appeared out of thin air. Molly and Maze jumped in surprise, before the Hale woman took hold of it, and read it.

"It's from your Dad. I think it's a punishment for something..." Molly trailed off, before she faced Maze. "Why is he punishing you?" She asked, unsure.

Maze knew exactly why she was being punished, but she didn't want others to know. "I have no idea." She lied, as Molly shrugged it off.

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