𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫. another cinderella story

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"Good morning, Hope

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"Good morning, Hope." Clary said, with a relieved expression. From inside the cellar, Hope looked up to see her sister, along with MG.

"I know we're supposed to be starving you out and all... but I know what that hunger feels like, and in my experience it only makes things worse." MG admitted as Hope moved closer to the cellar bars.

"I'm so sorry.." Hope let out a whisper, feeling guilty for what she had done without her humanity. She placed her hands on the bars, as Clary reached out and placed her hand atop one of Hope's.

"All that matters is that you're here because we sure need you." MG insisted as Hope seemed surprised by his response. "How can you even think that after everything that I've said? The things I've done. What I did to Lizzie...." Hope looked at Clary at that last part, knowing that Lizzie meant everything to her, and she had killed her.

"Lizzie also came back, and she's done some things, too." MG admitted as Clary side eyed the boy, as she felt the circumstances between what Hope and Lizzie had done were very different.

"What kind of things?" Hope asked curiously as MG shrugged, "She's been avoiding everyone, but from what I can gather, she may have helped Ben raise his father." He explained before suggesting, "I'll grab the keys and get you out of it."

"No, you can't. If you let me out, you're gonna be letting her out, too." Hope sighed, as Clary looked sadly at her sister figure. "Who?" MG asked, cluelessly.

"My dark side. You see, I'm, um, in control of my body, but not my mind. I think she's still here somewhere, so you can't let me out until I know that she's gone for good." Hope declared, not wanting to hurt anymore of her loved ones.

"Hope, how do we get rid of her?" Clarissa asked softly, as Hope met the O'Connell's eyes. "That's what I have to figure out." She assured the blonde.

"I'll grab you a few more of these." MG said, referring to blood bags, as he refused to let his friend starve. "Oh, and, uh, more clothes. Something a little less..." Clary trailed off as Hope finished her sentence, "Terminator-Hope?"

"Yeah." The O'Connell responded, with a slight giggle before herself and MG left the cellar to grab things for the tribrid.


When Mazikeen had awoken to find herself trapped inside some sort of device, she was infuriated. The Parker was insistent on freeing herself, but had no luck whether it be siphoning the barrier or using her magic. She even screamed until somebody would free her, but Lizzie just set a sound barrier around the gymnasium.

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