𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧. jealousy, jealousy

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Maze's eyes fluttered open, as she had awoken to see Jade laying next to her

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Maze's eyes fluttered open, as she had awoken to see Jade laying next to her. "Morning, Hale." Maze greeted, as Jade slowly woke up. "Hey." She greeted.

The blonde sat up and stretched, before she looked down at Jade, who was looking at her intently. The Saltzman smirked, before she leant down and placed a kiss on the Hale's lips.

Jade kissed back, before Maze broke apart, a curious look on her face. "Jade?" She asked. "Yeah, Maze?"

"What... are we?" The blonde finally asked. Jade sat up now, keeping a look on Mazikeen. "Who do you want me to be?" Jade asked.

Maze thought about it, before she sighed. "I'm not ready for a relationship... I... need to focus on myself." She admitted, as Jade nodded. "I don't really want a relationship either." She confessed.

"So... friends?" Maze giggled, "With the fun stuff?"

Jade rolled her eyes playfully, before she smugly smiled at Mazikeen. "Friends with benefits, it is then."


Ari and Hope were getting ready for classes, as Ari braided Hope's hair. "Are you okay?" The Mae asked, as Hope shrugged. "I... Feel mad... but it's stupid." She trailed off.

"You're welcome to talk to me about it." Ari smiled genuinely, as Hope smiled back. "Well... When I caught Maze and Jade... I felt jealous." She confessed. "And the more I thought about it... the more I realised that I have feelings for Mazikeen."

Ari's face softened, "I understand." She insisted, as the tribrid raised an eyebrow, "You do?" She asked. Ari nodded, "When Dr Saltzman separated Maze from us, she began pushing us away. Jade and I ended up spending more time together and I started to have a crush on her."

"You have a crush on Jade?" Hope asked, with surprise. Ari blushed, before she nodded. "I've had a crush on Jade for months... and my feelings seem to grow more and more each day... but part of me worried that she still loves Maze."

Hope's face fell, as she sighed. "I guess we're both stupid then, huh?" She asked, as Ari laughed. "I guess we are."


Alaric stood behind the podium, speaking in front of the whole school. "Given recent events, some students have expressed concern that I am not allowing you to have a say in the decisions that affect your future. And I agree. If you are expected to abide by this school's policies, it's only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made. So, I am forming an honor council. One vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students."

There was quiet chatter for a moment. Alaric continued to speak, as the chatter stopped. "Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed."


Josie, Maze and Lizzie were in the Saltzman's dorm room, where Lizzie, who wore a white business suit, was standing in front of Maze and Josie, who were laying on the floor while Josie worked on Lizzie's campaign posters. The poster was inspired by Hillary Clinton's "I'M WITH HER" propaganda from the 2016 United States presidential election. Maze instead was playing around with a ball of light she had made, with her dark magic.

"You know, you're not gonna lose the election over an outfit." Josie spoke up, hearing Lizzie grumble at the mirror. "I'm not worried about losing the election—I'm worried about what I'm going to wear to my victory rally!" Lizzie declared. Mazikeen snorted at her sister's confident.

"Is something funny, Mazikeen?" Lizzie huffed as the other blonde raised an eyebrow at her. "The outfit makes the speech." Lizzie decided, before she magically changed her suit's color pink. She hummed, seemingly liking the color scheme, before turning toward Maze and Josie for her opinion. "How do I look?"

Josie looked up at her sister with a measured expression. Maze opened her mouth to say something, but Josie spoke up first." Maybe you should wear something that shows your fellow witches you're gonna take this seriously. It's a big responsibility."

Maze shrugged, "I was just going to say that you look beautiful." She admitted. "Thank you Maze, for understanding... this is why I am perfect for the job." Lizzie declared, as Josie frowned. "I'm a taste-maker, an influencer. People don't really know what they want until I tell them that they want it. They need me."

"Mhm. Follow your dreams sweetie." Maze sarcastically said, growing bored of Lizzie's speech now. Lizzie frowned at Mazikeen, "Can you stop playing with your dark magic ball of light and help me please?" She asked, sassily.

Mazikeen raised an eyebrow at the other blonde. "I could." She confessed. "But I don't really feel like it." The Saltzman said truthfully, as Lizzie rolled her eyes before looking back to the mirror. Mazikeen just had an amused smirk on her lips.


Sometime later

Grand Hall

Penelope and Bianca sat amongst a bunch of witches, as Penelope spoke, "Lizzie Saltzman only cares about Lizzie Saltzman. If your interests don't line up with hers, you're witch non grata. I personally believe that you deserve a better candidate." Penelope says as Bianca nodded, agreeing with her girlfriend.

Maze and Josie, lured by the sound of Penelope's voice, walked into the grand hall before addressing her.

"Are you seriously running for honor council just to spite Lizzie!?" Maze growled. The witches that sat around Penelope and Bianca could see that Penelope Bianca, Maze and Josie need privacy, so they stood to their feet to walk away while Penelope stood and faced Josie and Maze.

"That's low, Penelope, even for you." Josie huffed. Penelope smirked at Josie with a knowing expression. "You used to like it when I went low." She smirked, as Josie glared angrily.

"You know what I mean. You don't even like extracurricular activities, let alone anything that involves a moral compass." Josie huffed. "Plus you lack a heart." Maze spoke up. "You definitely do not have a heart.

Penelope scoffed before pointing to a poster with Lizzie's face on it. "Oh, and your one-witch ethics committee is okay with double plagiarism?"

"Bow out now, or we will crush you." Maze demanded as Penelope scoffed, before she smirked. "Oh honey— Josie crushes on me. And you? You crush every soul with your life sucking personality."

Mazikeen growled and went to step forward to fight the girl, but Josie quickly pulled her back.

"Deep down, you both know we're right. Your sister's unfit for office." Bianca spoke up, before she linked her arm through Penelope's. "Anyway, you're killing the healthy air around us with your dark magic, Mazey-Mad. So we're out of here." The Harris declared, before the pair walked away.

If only looks could kill....

Penelope and Bianca would be found dead, under Mazikeen's harsh glare. "Maze?" Josie asked softly, trying to catch her sister's attention. "I hate them, Jo." Maze huffed. "I hate them both so fucking much."

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