ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ꜰᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

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ᴀᴄᴛ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜱᴄᴇɴᴇ ꜰᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ

We saved Miss Jenn... thank fuck for that, eh? I mean, who would've thought writing songs for your drama teachers that was made for saving then to actually work? Crazy...

It's coming up to thanksgiving, now. And, spirits are high, to say the least. It was all Mama D and Mama C would talk about. But I guess I'm not just talking about my moms either... All of them were excited, if I'm being brutally honest. Really, not one of them were not happy about this little break that we were getting.

"I know that something has changed..." As Nini and Ricky sang away, some of the cast worked with what they could, dancing around the couple. We'd grown a lot since we'd first began. "...Never felt this way, but right here tonight-" They continued on with the song as I gave Carlos a look for giving two of them a set of ladders on wheels.

What were we working with, the janitors closet?

Everyone watched, though, enjoying the whole song wildly while Seb played the piano behind me. By the sudden ring of the school bell, however, the song was stopped halfway.

"YES! YES! WHOO!" I slowly turned my head to EJ, of who was stood up, celebrating. "Sorry, I really love Thanksgiving." The boy tells us all, making most of let out a chuckle.

As most we're getting ready to leave, Miss Jenn stopped them, although having a smile of her own on show. "Okay, hold on." She told them, standing up and Carlos being her shadow. "I know, everyone is excited for the holiday break. But I'm me, and I have notes." She chuckled. "Ricky and Nini," She began, turning to them. "that was good. But it could be better... She said in the spirit of holiday cheer." Miss added on.

"Good save." I tell her as I put the beanie over my head.

"I thought we sounded okay..." I heard Ricky say to my sister.

"Heck yeah, we're kinda killin' it." She tells him.

"Did you mean both of us?" The boy chuckles. The two continued to talk before it got awkward, which, considering the circumstances didn't take that long.

"Your homework, over this break, all of you, is to please go on vocal rest." She told the group in front of her. "And go over your lines, too, which is hard to do on vocal rest... But make it work. And remember, may nothing ever block your doorway to happiness."

"Excuse me!" I turn my head to see Mr Mazzara stood at the doorway.

"Okay, starting now." The drama teacher murmurs.

"Oh, don't mind me. I just came to return a missing item." Sir said, striding into the room. Surprisingly, he then turned to a student. "Ashlyn. Cannot have our robotics team co-captain going home without her binder over break." He told her. With a polite smile, the girl then left the room with the binder he had just given her.

Ash did robotics club as well? How does she fit that all in and how do I get such a good schedule organisation?

"Thank you, Benjamin, I hope you have a lovely holiday, with whoever could possibly love you." Miss said, very reluctantly.

"Oh, in fact, I will be enjoying three varieties of peach cobbler, with a family so large we're renting out-" But I was already tuning out of the conversation.

Carlos started to complain. "Oh, Cobblers sounds so nice." He said to me, and Ashlyn who had re-appeared. "My family usually has three protein courses and then everybody's asleep by 6:00."

"My folks start eating at dawn, and they make it past the Macy's Parade." Big Red tells us.

"Well, at least your folks are sticking around." Ash says. "EJ's parents are treating my parents to a spa in Park City after dinner tomorrow. They told us to try and have a meaningful night at the movies."

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