Snake - Chloe Lukasiak

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//Abby calls Chloe a snake and you defend her. Takes place in season 2, you're about Brooke's age//

//Y/N's POV//

It was hard for you to hear Abby tearing down your best friend. You and Chloe had been close ever since you two were born basically. If Chloe wasn't with you, she was with Paige. You two were that close. So when Abby started tearing Chloe down in a fight with Christi, you were getting frustrated and irritated yourself.

But when Abby called Chloe a snake, while she was in the room, you were getting close to your limit. The moment Chloe left the room in tears, you shot up from your chair, ready to have some words with Abby.

"Enough Abby! You think you can sit here and call Chloe, the most caring and kind person I've ever met, a snake, from you! That's rich Abby! It really is. Meanwhile, you try to turn us against each other every chance you get! And you make Maddie perform like your little monkey to win more titles and hopefuly lose more friends. Cause then she can focus every second on dance, instead of being a person. And what are we? We're the island of misfit toys! We're cast aside and told we're trash cause we aren't Maddie! Chloe's a snake? No way, you're the f***ing snake Abby." You yelled at her, watching her be taken aback by your words, making you smile on the inside.

"You are finished, no kid of mine is going to speak to me like that." Abby spoke to you, which normally made your heart drop, but you truly saw who Abby was now, you didn't need to work for her.

"Because someone told you the truth Abby? Cause someone no longer lives in your fantasy? Good, I don't need to work for a snake." You spat back at her before walking out the door, going to comfort Chloe, while Christi felt like her job was done.

"I don't think I could've said it better." She chuckled, immensely proud of you for sticking up for Chloe like you had. And even though you weren't kicked off the team, you were probation for a long time after. But you didn't care, no one talked about Chloe like that. Not without going through you.

//It's been way too long since I've updated!! I'm sorry I left you guys hanging!//

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