Pumpkin Carving- Kalani Hiliker

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//Carving pumpkins with Kalani!//

//Y/N's POV//

Kalani and I had just gotten our pumpkins, and we set them down on the table. Kira had been nice and put a tarp down on the table for you guys already. She'd also gotten you guys kits. The good ones that were like $20+! So you were really excited, you were lucky if your parents got you the $5 ones. You took one of the knives, cutting open the top of the pumpkin. Reaching in, you gagged at the feeling of the pumpkin guts. Meanwhile Kalani was already pulling her guts out quick.

"How are you fine with that?" The slimy texture always bugged you at the beginning, but you always got used to it. Kalani didn't seem to mind it at all, same thing with Jet, who was standing to the right of you.

"I just am, babe. You're more sensitive to texture than I am anyway. And Jet..is just Jet." She teased, making you both laugh as you slowly got your guts out. You took a long moment or two to think of what you were gonna make. Kalani was already working, working on the mouth as she carved out a big chunk. Eventually, you got it, working on the eyes first. This would definitely take a while.

A few hours later, you were all done. Jet's looked really cute, and you helped him out with the knife cause you didn't want him getting hurt. His had one eye, and kinda looked like Mike Wazouski from Monsters Inc. Kalani's was really good, hers had the deep and scary eyes that almost looked sunk in, her mouth was twisted and you could already tell it would look great with a candle. Yours was a portrait of your favorite horror movie character.

"Babe that looks awesome!" Kalani exclaimed as you blushed, realizing you'd gotten better since you were younger. You rubbed your hand along your hand, getting shy as Kalani shook your shoulders.

"Babe, it's nothing." You spoke, watching her take your pumpkin.

"This is going front and center!" She exclaimed, trying to find the perfect spot.

All Kira could do was laugh at the two of you.

//I hope these are good, I know these aren't as long as normal//

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