Package- Kalani Hilliker

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//When Kalani sends you a package while she's out in LA//

//Y/N's POV//

You had been really missing your girlfriend, Kalani. Yeah, you guys FaceTimed and talked whenever you could, but you were super affection starved. You wanted to feel her hugs again, to remember her soft kisses, how she felt in your arms, how she'd mess with your hair when you two cuddled. Just thinking about it made you tear up. Of course, you trusted Kalani, but you couldn't help but think that something might happen. There were a lot of attractive people, and it really worried you that she might find someone else over there.

You were pulled out of your thoughts when your mom yelled for you, wiping away tears that you didn't realize had fallen. Racing down the stairs, you noticed the big package on the kitchen island for you.

"Might wanna call Kalani after." She stated, she knew what it was. You ran up to your room with the package, opening it quick with your scissors. What was inside made your heart melt. All of Kalani's favorite hoodies. Your favorite snacks from when you visited her in LA. Hand written notes from each of the girls, and a big jar of Hershey kisses that you knew Kalani had gotten the idea from Pinterest. You quickly pulled on one of the hoodies, smelling around the collar. It even smelt like her perfume. Then you realized you were getting a call. You had to make sure you looked good. She had just sent you all of this amazing stuff, you could at least do that. Wiping away your happy tears, you rebrushed your hair and brushed your teeth again, then making sure your room didn't look like a mess. Dang it, you had missed her call. Now you just felt really bad, your mom had brought you some snacks too, figuring you two would be on call for a while. Normally, you two stayed on call for at least an hour, three to four hours at the most. You were so happy that Kira liked you, so it made the relationship all the easier. Knowing that Kira didn't try to break you two up, or think you were a distraction was a major plus. Finally, you called her, and she picked up in an instant.

"Hey baby! Did you get the package?" She asked, giving you a big smile as she tucked her straightened hair behind her ear. You pulled the hoodie sleeves up to hide your hands a little more, your cheeks red as you hugged the other hoodie a little.

"Yeah. Thank you, sweets.." You spoke, laying on your stomach as you propped your phone up against a pillow. Kalani awwed at how cute you looked in her hoodies, happy you seemed to like your gifts.

"I'm assuming you like it?" She teased, noticing Nia and Brynn chasing each other in the background. You giggled a little, nodding quickly.

"Mhm..I was really missin you, this really helps." You spoke, using the hoodie you weren't wearing as your pillow. After talking for who knows how many hours, you passed out on call. Kalani smirked as she saw you sleeping, her cheeks red.

"I love you too baby..Goodnight.." She spoke softly, ending the call so it wouldn't run down your battery. That was definitely the best sleep you had gotten in weeks.

//Let me know how you like this! Hope you like it!//

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